Day 1800 | 1800!


Nothing like taking a break from the busiest time of the year to contemplate the things that bring joy to our family. I hope this holiday edition of our team update brings a smile to your face.


FAVORITES: The home renovation's just fascinating, the sound of snow crunching under my feet, a warm house (is it always this cold in December?), my new boots, cheesy Christmas movies, listening to Christmas music, baking Christmas cookies, receiving holiday cards, basically anything Christmas-related
BIGGEST HURDLE TO OVERCOME: Keeping up with the never-ending layer of dust that appears on every surface of the house these days.
DREAMS FOR THE FUTURE: Having my home all to myself (and not several of my favorite contractor friends surrounding me at all times)


FAVORITES: Reading with the boys, staying up to date on the boys' interests (Minecraft, Pokemon, Harry Potter, etc.), our Christmas decorations (he's partial to the lights on the tree and the giant wreath above our mantle), anything with the almond-extract flavor, chex mix ('tis the season for this delicious treat)
BIGGEST HURDLE TO OVERCOME: Figuring out exactly what festive holiday cocktail his lovely wife would enjoy most at any given time.
DREAMS FOR THE FUTURE: Stepping onto his newly-finished heated floor at 6am for the first time.


Age: 7.5
FAVORITES: Minecraft (playing it, talking about it, reading about it), movies (he's not picky), spending time with his friends, school, reading (and reading and reading), playing board games (Life and Monopoly Junior are current favorites)
BIGGEST HURDLE TO OVERCOME: Managing the inevitable let down of the Christmas season coming to an end. He's a sensitive soul and it seems to hit him hard every year.
DREAMS FOR THE FUTURE: Planning his video game playdate that I promised him when the weather turned cold


AGE: 5.5
FAVORITES: Being outside (sledding, specifically), playing with Chase (anything really), board games, Minecraft, playing Legos, any type of Christmas-y special treat, anything Christmas-y at all, actually, hot chocolate
BIGGEST HURDLE TO OVERCOME: Not always knowing what's coming next. This kid always wants to be one-step ahead: What's for breakfast? What are we doing after school? When do we get to play Minecraft again? You get the idea. Preparation is this guy's middle name.
DREAMS FOR THE FUTURE: Receiving all the presents. Robbe is EXCITED about the "getting" side of Christmas this year. Perhaps the "giving" side will rank a bit higher on his list next year. A mom can hope.

Looking back at 1800 posts: