Final 2021 Book Tally!

Drumroll, please…the boys and I are excited to announce that we collected 291 books for kids around the Chippewa Valley. We didn’t meet our goal, but sometimes it’s important to set goals too high to accomplish, you know. Growth mindset or something. Haha.

We’re once again grateful, speechless, and inspired by the generosity everyone showed us. In this season (not only the season of Christmas but also our season of life with little ones), it’s been so important for us over the last two years of doing this project to really feel and internalize the importance of giving back. As you know, reading is something that fills hours upon hours of our days and to think we could give even a little bit of that joy to a friend who doesn’t have the luxury or opportunity for books in their house—it just warms our hearts. I hope it does the same for you.

From the bottom of our warm hearts to you–wherever you might be–thank you. THANK YOU. Not only did you make this a special Christmas project for us, more importantly, you made this a special Christmas for a child who will receive a new book of their very own this year.