Day 339 | A Little Excited Around Here

Can you tell we're a tad excited today? Not only is Chris home (took a mini spring break to celebrate Chase's birthday) but it's also amazingly gorgeous outside: 75+ degrees and sunny!

And did I mention there's a bit of excitement surrounding opening day for the Brewers and, oh yeah, the Badgers are playing in a little something called the National Championship Game tonight. We're all doing our part in our lucky Bucky shirts. Go Badgers!

Day 241 | History Museum: Wisconsin Version

The museum bug even bites when we're on vacation. Today, Grandma Bibi took us to the Museum of Natural History. It was quite an impressive show of animals, eggs, and fossils. Chase really enjoyed collecting the animal trading cards scattered around the exhibits and Robbe just loved having so much open space to crawl around in and so many fun ledges to pull himself up on.

A great way to spend a chilly (5 degrees!) morning. 

Day 239 | Chris's Favorite Thing

After sharing the boys' favorite things a few posts ago, it's time to highlight Chris's favorite thing: the day after sandwich.

It includes all the fixings from the traditional Thanksgiving dinner (and Christmas dinner this year) all in one sandwich for lunch the next day. That means turkey, potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and gravy all piled high. Not my idea of delicious but if it makes him happy, I'm happy. 

Day 238 | Merry Christmas: Part 2

We enjoyed another lovely family Christmas celebration tonight. This time with Chris's family. It was a wonderful celebration of giving, receiving, and eating. Obviously lots of eating. If only the other third of the brother trio could have been here with his family, it would have been perfect. 

It's truly a blessing to have family that you can call friends and that you completely enjoy spending time with. We hit the lottery with all our family: immediate and extended.

*Note: I almost missed another post today. My schedule is just all out of whack! And maybe the two hours of putting together an awesome zoo for Chase added to the rush to get right into bed afterward...

Day 236 | Christmas is Here

We officially made it to our family Christmas festivities. After another four hours in the car (not my favorite, for the record), we're settling in and loving the quality time with our extended family.

Chase was reunited with his best friend, Frosty (who is about the same size as our toddler), and both boys have been enjoying the extra attention (surprise, surprise). And the photo on the bottom-right is Chase's vacation bed/pseudo-life raft. It's been a big hit. 

Day 30 | Wisconsin Adventure: The trek home

Well, we're back at the airport. Turns out a week goes by really fast.

The solo trip with two kiddos has gone smoothly thus far. We made the drive to the airport with less napping than I would have liked, but there was napping. We had no issues with security: one baby in the backpack, one baby in my arms. Robbe is enjoying our plane-viewing vantage point and both boys are having a quick snack while we watch our plane pull into the gate. Calm before the storm or a vision of how the rest of the trip will go? Only time will tell. Think happy thoughts! 

Thanks to all our family and friends for a lovely visit. We always leave wanting to stay longer and spend more time with all of you-just the way it should be!

Oh...and we're officially home owners!  Chris signed on the dotted lines this afternoon and we'll head to the house tomorrow to spend some time in our little slice of the District. Big day for our little family. 

Day 29 | Wisconsin Adventure: Cousins are the best

Cousin time
Cousin time!
Chase and Robbe are amazingly lucky to have the world's best cousins. Even luckier? They got to spend time with almost all of them while we've been in Wisconsin.

Chase has been especially spoiled by the attention from Isabelle, Ann, and Lane. Those girls can make him giggle just by looking at him and constantly help him discover new ways to play. 

Lucky, lucky boys.  

Day 28 | Wisconsin Adventure: Exploring Strum

This morning, we packed up the stroller, threw Chase in the backpack (didn't bring the double stroller on this trip), and headed out for a Strum adventure.

We played at the new playground (which consisted mostly of being entertained by the wood chips), waded in the water of Crystal Lake (ok, only one of us was willing to take our shoes off), walked down to admire the waterfall (ie the dam), and attempted to cross the rickety foot bridge before realizing it was a little unstable and turning around halfway across. The adventure wrapped up with a stop at the grocery store, of course. We needed to refuel after all that sightseeing!

Day 27 | Wisconsin Adventure: Grocery store shenanigans

Fun at Robbe's
Who knew a grocery store could be so much fun?
Chase is in love with Grandpa Paul and Uncle Brian's grocery store.  He walked the whole way down to the store this morning (.5 miles) and kept repeating, "Chase go grocery store, Chase go grocery store." Think he was excited?

It might be the tiny shopping cart or all the attention he gets, but my bet is that it's because Grandpa Paul stuffs him full of all the fruit and snacks a little boy could dream of. He did pay for his samples by helping Grandpa put out produce. I'm just not sure he worked quite hard enough to overcome his debt.

Day 25 | Wisconsin Adventure: Robbe gets baptized

Robbe gets baptized
Robbe gets baptized.
Big day for Robbe.  Huge day.  He was welcomed into God's family at church this morning.  The little guy did great.  Slept for the beginning part of the service, woke up just in time for the blessing, and smiled as the Pastor held him up for the congregation.  Cooperative boy, that one.

It was a lovely morning all in all.  The service went perfectly and our family picnic at the park overlooking the lake could not have been a better celebration.

Feeling very blessed.