Day 2108 | Library Walk


The walk to the library is one of my favorite excursions from our house. It’s far enough that it feels like you’re actually doing something, but close enough that it doesn’t feel overwhelming (especially for the boys). In just two weeks, the downtown library will relocate while the building undergoes a 14-month renovation. I’m just crushed about it.

I can’t adequately express how much the library means to us. In a normal circumstance, we’d go twice a month (at least), collect more books than we could carry, and spend the rest of the day reading and reading and reading. Throughout Covid, we’ve become even more appreciative of what a gift the library is. We had to go without for several months and lately we’ve only been allowed to request books for pick up (no browsing). With two boys who love to read, we go through a lot of books, and the library (and staff) is a total gift. A total gift.