Day 1926 | Early Father’s Day


Chris was off work today and we’re traveling this weekend (woohoo!) so the boys and I decided we should celebrate Father’s Day a few days early.

Along with some other sweet gifts, the boys made Chris a graphic novel called “Super Dad vs. Fox Pox”. They worked for days outlining the story, drawing the pictures, writing the text, and then coloring the graphics. It was a team effort through and through and it was so fun to see their excitement for the project grow. They were just so proud. I’ll post photos of the full book at some point but for now, enjoy the cover with these three smiling cuties.

The boys have no idea how lucky they are to call this man their dad. His never-ending energy for their antics, his overwhelming interest in all their favorite things (video games and Harry Potter, mostly), his contagious sense of humor. They’ll understand some day. For now, I’ll just appreciate him enough for all of us.