Day 1910 | A Graduation


The girl who made me an aunt for the first time graduated from high school today. That’s right. Whoa.

It wasn’t the celebration any of us wanted for her. It wasn’t the celebration she deserved. But I guess disappointment and perseverance are pretty common these days. Our sweet girl took today in stride and smiled through it all. If you don’t know her, you can take my word for it…she’s an inspiration in grace, and charm, and kindness. I just love her so much and love the amazing person she’s grown into.

It sounds crazy, but it was a tough decision for us to attend this *intimate* family gathering today. We haven’t been to anyone’s house since the beginning of March. We haven’t been in a group of more than two people for just as long. Before Covid, I couldn’t have imagined a world where I would have to deliberate attending my niece’s graduation. Some people will think we’re crazy for going to a party where there were 15 people. Some people will think we’re crazy for even considering not going. Without clear guidance from anywhere, it’s judgement from all angles. And I’m tired of it.

At the end of the day, we’re doing our best to keep our little family safe. And I’d like to see my mother in-law again soon, so we’re going to take every precaution to try to make that happen. Am I glad we decided to attend the party today? Absolutely, I am. I hugged Zoe today. I haven’t hugged someone outside my little family unit in over two months (that’s strange for me…I’m a hugger!). I cried when I hugged her. The first person in two + months that I’ve hugged and I am beyond happy to have had an excuse to do it. I’m so very proud of her and I miss people. Thank you for giving us a reason to celebrate today, Zoe. We love you!