Day 1906 | Jeopardy


Last week the boys and I reviewed the eight (8!) weeks of material we’ve covered during our homeschooling sessions. As a special treat, Chris was home from work on Friday so we had a true Jeopardy showdown on our hands: Chase + Robbe vs. Chris. When all was said and done, the gentlemen of the house were quizzed on 44 questions covering eight topics.

The final score was Chris: 2,600 points, Chase + Robbe: 64,000 points. You can just imagine how tickled the little boys were to clobber their super-smart dad so completely. I’m so proud of these two for the amount of content they managed to take in and digest under these crazy circumstances.

I’ve included the Jeopardy questions below. I debated about sharing them, to be honest, but I really wanted to record what we’ve covered during our first run at homeschooling. Only time will tell how many of these Jeopardy quizzes we’ll tackle before the boys head back to school, but if future rounds are as successful as this first one, I’ll be happy to keep creating them.

Homeschool Jeopardy - Weeks 1-8

100 - Name three parts of a story.
200 - What are material nouns?
300 - Give an example of a contraction.
400 - Airplane is an example of this type of word. Snowman is another.
500 - Give an example of two proper nouns.

100 - A dinosaur that eats only meat is called what?
200 - Name three types of bird nests.
300 - What does an Omnivore eat?
400 - Would a human be classified as an omnivore, carnivore, or herbivore?
500 - What does migrate mean?
*Bonus: what about a bird’s anatomy helps it fly further?

100 - Which type of cloud is white, fluffy, and looks like a cotton ball?
200 - Snow, rain, and sleet are examples of what?
300 - What happens to the air in a thunderstorm?
400 - When I take a shower, why do the windows get wet?
500 - What are the four parts of the water cycle?

100 - What country do we live in?
200 - Latitude or longitude: these are the lines that go from the North Pole to the South Pole.
300 - Label this compass rose.
400 - Name four states in the United States of America
500 - Name all seven continents.
*Bonus: what’s the name of the box found on maps that explains the symbols found on that map?

200 - Give an example of gravity.
400 - What word is defined as “a push or pull on an object”?
600 - If I let go of a hot wheels car on a gravel road, what force is making it move slowly?
800 - I like watching birds and airplanes fly. What type of movement do you think I should study?
1000 - Why does an airplane propelled by a rubber band fly farther?

200 - Where do rivers usually form and where do they end up?
400 - List three ways you can help protect the Earth.
600 - If I’m a landmass surrounded by water on all sides, what am I? 
800 - Describe the differences between a mountain, volcano, plateau, and hill
1000 - Explain four different land masses/bodies of water that we studied.
*Bonus: What’s the layer of the atmosphere called that has a hole in it?

200 - Explain two ways that plants grow.
400 - My plant is dying in my house. List two things I could try to do to help it.
600 - Name three of the five things plants need to be healthy.
800 - What’s the baby plant called inside a seed? 
1000 - My plant is outside but still isn’t happy? What could be wrong?

200 - What are the two types of graphs we talked about?
400 - How many sides does a Hexagon have?
600 - What’s the different between a rectangle and a trapezoid?
800 - What is an equivalent fraction to 1/2? 
1000 - Add 232 + 381 using a proof drawing.

List your three favorite things you’ve learned during homeschool.