Day 2016 | President Biden


My plan for today was to wash windows. It's was a weirdly warm day in WI and I figured this was my last shot before the weather turns. Chris and the boys were off on an adventure so I had all day to complete the task.

About 10 minutes after they left, Biden was announced as the victor of the 2020 Presidential Election. Needless to say, starting on the windows was delayed a bit as I let the news sink in. I called my boys and told them. I called another one of my favorite people and shared the news with her. Several texts later, I turned to the news and listened as folks shared what the election meant to them. I cried. Like, ugly cried.

I know everyone isn't happy about this news. I remember how utterly devastated I felt four years ago (see here) and I'm sure that's how some folks are feeling today, but I truly believe we can bridge the gap and come together to find common ground again.

As I [finally] turned to my windows, I realized it was a very fitting activity for today. Everything looks brighter now.