Day 1797 | Construction Tip #1


We’re about six weeks into our bathroom renovation project. It’s going well. Kind of slow progress at the moment, but we’re supposed to get the tile work and flooring started next week. Fingers crossed!

Since we’ve had a lull in action this week, I decided it was time to clean up a bit of the construction zone. Hence the “construction tip #1”. I’m not positive there will be a #2 or #3 but I’ve got high hopes.

So what’s the tip? Clear everything out of the space that you possibly can. Don’t leave anything in closets (stuffed animals, for example) or tucked away in hidden spots. Take off window treatments. We were under the impression, because the bulk of the work was being done in another space, that our guest room wouldn’t be quite as effected as it was. Looking back…duh. Of course we should have moved everything out. What were past Sara and Chris thinking?!?

I’m happy to report that after an entire day of cleaning with my mom (thanks again, mom) and about six loads of laundry (including all the stuffed animals pictured above), the space is livable again. Not quite perfect, but definitely livable.

We’ll remember this lesson for the next big reno project we take on.