Day 1402 | Speech Therapy Graduation
/Our little guy did it. He graduated from speech therapy school. And it wasn't one of those "it's the end of the school year so all preschoolers graduate" graduations. This was the real deal. And a HUGE deal. Robbe has been working hard with inspiring dedication all year long to get to where he is and it shows. He met with his 4K teacher a couple of weeks ago and...wait for it...she didn't even recognize that he had a speech delay. One year ago, we started this speech therapy journey with a little guy that barely put four unintelligible words together. One year. Today he talks our ear off (and is completely intelligible) with the best of them.
We couldn't be happier for Robbe or more proud of him. And we couldn't feel more grateful to have stumbled into the extremely capable hands of Ms. Megan and Ms. Stacy through pure luck. It is not an exaggeration to say that you gave Miles (and our family) the best gifts of all. Thank you for giving our peanut the gifts of communication and expression. We are forever indebted.