Day 1371 | Bedtime Reading


I love bedtime. That is, I love it when it's time for the boys to go bed. They're great, but man, by the time 8pm rolls around, I'm ready for a break. I'm sure you understand. 

As much as a love bedtime, I really can't stand our bedtime routine. It's not even that long: just pjs on, teeth brushed, two stories read, potty, into bed. Pretty simple, right? Somehow reading at the end of the night is about the worst thing ever. 

Enter the audio book. The boys got sucked into a Boxcar Children audio book after school today and decided they wanted to try to finish it before bed. They sat like this (photo above) for 15 minutes as I finished folding laundry and putting it away. 

I'm not saying this is going to become a frequent occurrence, but it was a glorious break tonight.