Day 1334 | Pattern Play


Chris didn’t take me seriously when I said I wanted this Pattern Play set for Christmas. Luckily, all my subtle hints payed off as I got one for my birthday. Chase has been doing this pattern “work” at school and when I was introduced to it at a friend’s house, I was smitten. It’s just so fun! 

When Chase does it at school, he has to take all the pieces out in an orderly fashion and line them up (like in the bottom left photo) before he starts the actual pattern (there’s a stack of cards with a bunch of different options). He was excited to show me the “correct” way to start the pattern work but he was even more excited when I told him he could just dump mine out with a loud thud and start the pattern right away when he’s at home. Talk about breaking all the rules. For our rules-following dude, this idea is crazy. And crazy awesome. You should have seen his smile.