Day 1315 | Home Schoolin’


You know what finally gave me the motivation to get down to business with my educating at home? My almost six year old only being in school for .75 days this week  (Tuesday, his only day, was a delayed start due to snow). I realized that I could probably get my act together to do something productive with the time we had. It also helped that, for the most part, we were locked in our house. 

I managed to pull off math, biology, music appreciation, geography, and language arts all this morning. And the boys thought me “teaching” them was hysterical. [Side note: I may have been doing something wrong all these years if it’s truly that funny for me to be spreading knowledge. Eek!]  

Although I consider the morning of [very loose] homeschooling to be a success (we even discussed the 13 original colonies for heaven’s sake), I’m more certain than ever that there’s no way I could do this full time. Moms that homeschool and teachers as a whole are incredible people. Thank you for taking this responsibility off my plate. My boys thank you, too.