Day 1137 | Garden Boxes Update


Check out the progress! You remember where we started, right?

So far we've only prematurely-harvested one green pepper (no thank you, Robbe) from our garden boxes but we're getting so close to seeing some real veggies pop up. Tomato plants as tall as trees (we had to use extra support poles) and cucumbers climbing higher than our lattice (they seem to be adjusting just fine to the string extensions). 

For you green thumbs out there, here's what you're seeing (from left to right):

BOX 1: tomatoes, broccoli (which some mite seems to be!), and green beans

BOX 2: leeks (we're a bit skeptical about these), peppers, cucumbers, and carrots (although not visible from this angle).

I'll keep you posted as the summer progresses.