Day 1104 | DC Day 2


We titled today "Friend Day 2017." It was a whirlwind of emotions as we divided the day up into three segments and spent it with three separate families. My goal for the trip was to see my friends, but not only that. I wanted to actually have quality time with them and catch up. That we did. The boys were super patient as we lugged them to house to house. It was so sweet to see them remember their friends and get right back to where they left off (mostly Chase, but Robbe said he remembered, too).  

Thank you to all our friends who made time to accommodate our schedule today (and thanks in advance for the friends who are going to be doing the same over the next few days). I felt so happy + excited to spend even a few hours with these folks and yet I left feeling a bit sad. It's sad to say goodbye [again]. It's sad to realize first hand that time just keeps ticking by and that you're not as close with people as you once were. It's sad to look back on this old life and accept that you're not a part of it anymore. 

But, don't get me wrong, I left the houses beyond happy to continue to cross paths with these beautiful people and will [undoubtedly] see them again. 

p.s. Red house isn't red anymore! The top right photo is what it looks like now. I'm still digesting my feelings about this. I'm sure it'll resurface as a future blog post.

2017 DC Bucket List