Day 1272 | Holiday Hustling


I'm sorry I've been a terrible blogger this week. I missed two day (TWO DAYS!!) somehow. That's when you know it's been a busy week. That's when you know it's the holidays. All is well, though, and I'm happy to be back at it. 

We had an insanely busy weekend full of holiday fun including cookie decorating, a holiday party, and krumkake rolling with grandpa. Whew.  Every year I get totally sucked into the excitement and anticipation of the holiday season only to get *slightly* overwhelmed and exhausted by it all. That seems normal, right?!? Oh...and it's only December 10th. I better rally for the second half of the season or Christmas Eve is going to be rough!

New podcast episode!

We've got a new episode coming out tomorrow and I realized that I never posted the last one to my site. Eeek! See? I'm *a bit* behind in everything lately. This episode about milestones give a bit of back story (which you probably already know) about Robbe's speech delays and offers an update, too. Give us a listen!
