Day 977 | Begin Again


My back has been particularly bad lately (you didn't think I had miraculously healed, did you?). My attempt at getting to yoga more often didn't help (and my wrist wasn't really feeling that, either). My 2+ miles of walking every day hasn't helped. The boys getting bigger and not needing as much lifting (no more crib!) hasn't helped. 

Urgh. I was really hoping the yoga+walking+limited lifting would be the right equation to give me some relief. Not so much. 

Today started my new game plan: strengthening. I signed up for this Momma Strong program. It's fifteen-ish minutes a day and focuses on some of the serious problem areas for moms. I'm still not convinced I can find the extra time or reallocate my time to fit this work out in on a daily basis--crazy right, since it's only 15 minutes! I already feel like things are falling through the cracks, but it's time to start really focussing on this back problem and I'm hopeful that finding this extra 15 minutes (ok, more like 30 when you consider set-up, clothes-change, work out, + clean-up) in my day to make me feel better. The slogan for Momma Strong is "Begin Again" and that's what I'm signing up for.

My goal is that by posting it here, I'll be motivated to find the time. Seems like a good plan, right? Want to join me in this crazy experiment? It's just $2/month. I know...I can't believe it either. 

Jump over here to sign up. And then let me know you did so we can start chatting about it + motivating each other.