Day 975 | A DC Love Letter

Dear DC Friends, 

I miss you. Terribly. 

You know who you are and you know how important you are to me (and not just those pictured above, for the record). I lived in a city for close to ten years with no family. That's not true. You turned into my family. When my back went out, you helped rear my children. When I was sick, you dropped off a meal. When I couldn't shoulder the weight of motherhood on my own anymore, you offered distraction + laughter. When I was deliberating the countless child-focused decisions along the way (when to wean, how to select a doctor, when to stop swaddling, which school to attend, etc), you offered an ear, guidance, and suggestions. 

Thank you. Thank you SO much. I am beyond grateful to have crossed paths with you at the park or at school drop off or at a playgroup and I'm saddened every day to not see your smiling faces anymore. I hope you know how much you meant to me at the time and now I hope you know that you are not forgotten. The opposite, actually. I find my thoughts wandering to all of you every single day. 

There are big things happening in DC right now (and not just politically). I mean, each one of you is going through a pretty substantial life event right now and I'm devastated that I can't be there to be walking side-by-side with you through these moments. I would do just about anything to spend two hours (or more...I'd take so much more!) with each of you just to let you talk and tell me what your life is like right now. So much has changed in six months. I want to help with childcare. I want to deliver a meal. I want to give hugs and offer a supportive ear. I want to be with you.

I'll be back to DC for a visit soon (I promise!), but until then, I'm here. I want to stay connected with you in a real way even though lives with little ones are crazy and it seems like we don't have time for anything. Ever. I'll make time for you. Your friendship is important to me.  

I miss you, dear friends. 
