Day 973 | Bunkbed Update


It has been 10 days since we made the big switch to having the boys share a room. In case you're wondering how the transition has been going, I wanted to provide an update. In four words, here's how I would describe our current bunkbed buddy situation:

It Is The Best

The boys have had no adverse reaction to the new sleeping all. They love falling asleep together and, even more, they love waking up to seeing their best friend immediately in their face. 

A few of the unexpected side effects I've been loving:

  • No evening requests after goodnights have been said: in the past, one or both of the boys would call us back upstairs to say goodnight again or fix a blanket or apply lotion to a foot. Since we moved Robbe, neither of them has called us in post-lights out.
  • No middle-of-the-night emergencies: again, it wasn't uncommon for one or both of the boys to wake up with a request in the middle of the night. We're lucky that these requests came relatively infrequently and were always quick to remedy, but there's been none of that these past ten days. None. 
  • The  morning smiles: the photo above depicts how the boys walk out of their room every morning. Seriously. That was not staged. They hold hands and smile ear to ear. Robbe would never have been described as a "morning person" before the introduction of the bunkbed to his life. He was what you would call a "grump" first thing in the morning when I went to spring him from the crib. Now? He jumps out of bed in the best of spirits. Chase will do that to you, I guess. 
  • This OK to Wake Alarm Clock: I grabbed this for 60% off at an after-Christmas sale (whoop! whoop!) and it's been pivotal to the success of the cohabitation, in my opinion. This little clock lights up green when it's late enough in the morning for them to get out of bed. My little rules followers love it. They know if the light's not green, they need to stay quiet and try to go back to sleep (in case the other one is still sleeping). Genius! 

Kids and transitions can surprise you sometimes, can't they? I wasn't worried about moving Robbe out of his crib (he's been napping in the bunkbed for months now, after all), but I wasn't sure how the boys would handle the noises and close proximity of a sleeping friend. I just love that they love it so much.