Day 839 | Beaver Creek Reserve
/The rain couldn't keep us down on day two. We busted out of the house to explore the Beaver Creek Reserve nature center. It was renovated this summer and is fantastic. We were there for over 1.5 hours and I had to peel the boys away.
Some highlights:
- wearing butterfly wings (obviously)
- watching animal feeding time (snapping turtles can really take care of minnows, for the record)
- crawling through the cave
- exploring the lightbox with different rocks and animal images
- peeping at the birds at the feeders outside with kid-friendly binoculars
- testing out various puzzles, blocks, books, etc.
Add this to our list of much-needed cold weather outing ideas. Why yes, we will join as members.
The best part? We didn't do any of the outdoor activities (two playgrounds + hiking trails galore), so once the mosquitos settle down (we got eaten alive on our way in from the parking lot), we'll be back before the snow hits.