Day 843 | Wrist Update


It's been a little over two weeks since my wrist surgery. Chris told me I couldn't post the really gruesome pre-stitches-being-removed photo but it's healed enough to not horrify anyone at this least I hope! 

It seems to be healing pretty well and hasn't been nearly as painful as I feared + anticipated. And even though it's still a couple of months ago, I cannot wait until my first yoga class.

In the meantime, I'm just focusing on the little everyday accomplishments. It's definitely getting stronger and less inhibitive, but man it's been cramping my style. 

Here's a top twelve of my least favorite activisties during my recovery process:

  1. Closing + opening ziploc baggies
  2. Clipping fingernails
  3. Manipularing transformers (the toys)
  4. Opening the fridge
  5. Gripping the steering wheel
  6. Pushing a stroller
  7. Handing things into the backseat
  8. Using a hair tie
  9. Installing a car seat
  10. Twisting off bottle tops
  11. Putting on little socks
  12. Popping the top on our toothpaste

I can't complain too much, though. My family, especially my two favorite sons, have made this process as easy on me as I could hope for.