Day 929 | Happy [Belated] St. Nick's!


Chris's family celebrated St. Nick's day every year when he was growing up. Mine didn't. We obviously decided to continue this family tradition with our little guys but somehow the holiday just can't seem to solidify in my mind. I swear (SWEAR!) St. Nick's day is on December 7th. Nope. It's December 6th. Shoot! We missed it yesterday.

Luckily, the boys don't care when they get presents, so no one was any wiser. Whew. 

Here's a bit of a history, if you are completely clueless about it as I was. So, last night we put out our shoes by the fire place and waited for Saint Nicholas to visit and fill them up. And he came! We all got some coins, Christmas socks, and clementines and the boys got new Christmas books, too. It was quite the exciting morning. Oh, and Grandma and Grandpa M spoiled us rotten with additional treats + gifts as well...thank you! 

Just a little snippet of Christmas come early in our house this morning. The excitement mounts for the real deal in just a couple of weeks!