Day 932 | My Cup


My cup runneth over.  

Today was a dream day. Seriously. Every part of it. Here's the breakdown:

  • Woke up to a breakfast with my favorite teenage nieces (after our sleepover).
  • Met some of my aunts + cousins for a good-old-fashioned porch pot crafting session (see photos above). It was intense and creative and totally overwhelming and shockingly organized. Also, totally amazing. Thanks to Karen, Diana, Julie, David and everyone else that helped pull this off!
  • Made it home for some holiday present crafting during nap.
  • Cleaned up the house a bit before some friends came over for pizza + conversation + serious play time. 
  • Wrapped up the evening with my favorite guy in front of a hot fire while the snow fell peacefully outside. 

It really doesn't get much better. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. This. This is why we moved back.