Day 614 | Busy Day

Mary Catherine and I felt like we just didn't accomplish enough yesterday so we decided to shove as much as possible into today. The activities included:

  • an amazing (AMAZING) yoga class
  • getting our nails done
  • recording a podcast 
  • visiting three consignment shops (we scored four dining room chairs and one bookshelf for under $80!)
  • a dinner out with some wonderful conversation 
  • snuggling up for a movie and a cookie to round out the evening. 
Pretty perfect, right? Unfortunately, amidst all the running around, we didn't take any photos. It's ok, though, because this way you can see what Chris and the boys were up to instead. The photo above is from a sweet three year old's birthday that they attended. It was an authentic tea party with Cinderella as a special guest. I received a detailed report about how much fun everyone had from Chase. I wish I could have fit that into my day's activities, too. But let's be honest, the commute back to DC would have been a little rough.