Day 594 | Girl Talk

Sometimes, although not frequently, something blog-worthy happens after I've completed my post for the day. Hard to believe, I know.

Last night, my favorite pre-teen/teenage nieces and I enjoyed each others' company while playing a board game (Girl Talk), watching a movie ( was cute), and playing cards (Kent...a middle school favorite of mine). Grandma Mary even got in on the action. It was the kind of evening that made me more convinced than ever of our need to move back to Wisconsin. I want to be a bigger part of their lives during this super-important, super-influence-able time for them. I miss these girls.

Oh, and the little cards we're holding in the photo are from the Girl Talk game. We all passed out cards that we think best describes each person and then each of us picked our favorite card we received. The selected cards?

Isabelle: Giggles a lot
Ann: Incredibly caring
Sara: Can be trusted with a secret
Grandma Mary: A good listener
Lane: Very confident