Day 2504 | He's 11!

Check out this 11-year-old! He had the best day ever: restaurant breakfast, game day with his good friend, two birthday desserts, family pizza dinner, and oodles of presents.

I feel lucky every day to be his mom.

Day 2503 | One Last Night

Tonight is the last night the boys will be sharing a room. I’ll give you a minute to pull yourself together. Sniffle, sniffle.

Chase decided it was time to move out on his own so he’ll be venturing across the hall tomorrow night so that he can wake up in his new room on his birthday. That’s a big deal, right?

Don’t be expecting a big room reveal tomorrow, though. At this point, he’s got the necessities in the room and that’s all—a bed, curtains up, a fresh coat of paint, and new carpet. We’ve got big plans for the rest, and it will come eventually. For now, it’s nice that he’ll have to visit his old room once and awhile to get clothes and whatnot.

Day 2501 | Piano Competition

On Saturday, the boys participated in a piano competition held at the local university (we even walked!). Both of the boys rocked their pieces—they had to memorize three songs each—and aced the theory portion of the competition, too. It was a fun way to spend a Saturday morning and was a nice example of how hard work does pay off.

*Photo above from the practice room before the boys played for the judges.

Day 2500 | 2500!

This 100-day blog post has been a long time coming. It takes some time to write these things…and time has been a bit tough to come by these days. I’ll try to be more consistent moving forward. Key word, “try”!

Without further ado…


FAVORITES: the first cup of coffee in the morning, dried mango (still), my kyrgies slippers, wrapping up contract negotiations with the Eau Claire school district for the boys' school, snuggles from the bun,
MOST EXCITING THING ABOUT SPRING: going for walks in the warm sunshine
DREAM FOR THE FUTURE: finishing up some outstanding house projects
BIGGEST HURDLE TO OVERCOME: figuring out childcare help for the summer. It’s sneaking up fast.


FAVORITES: caesar salads, working towards his pinball record, warm weather, talking video games/pinball/nonsense with the boys, competing with his brothers, fun socks, creme-filled long john with snow white icing and sprinkles
DREAM FOR THE FUTURE: crafting a closet library for Chase's new room.
BIGGEST HURDLE TO OVERCOME: Deciding whether or not to join the Ultimate Frisbee League again this year.


Age: Almost 11 (5 days away!)
FAVORITES: reading fantasy fiction, video games, a very specific mechanical pencil, Flopsy, playing with LEGO minifigures, hanging out with a very specific friend, Marvel movies, Skittles
DREAM FOR THE FUTURE: moving across the hall into his new [separate] bedroom!
BIGGEST HURDLE TO OVERCOME: always needing to know which book is next on his reading list.


Age: 9
FAVORITES: Chima LEGO sets, skateboarding, Magic cards, marble animals (really any souvenirs), shopping, Splatoon video gaming, LEGOs, playing with friends, making people laugh, reading graphic novels, watching Fuller House, Skittles & Smarties, crocheting, eating sushi
MOST EXCITING THING ABOUT SPRING: busting out his new skateboard
DREAM FOR THE FUTURE: Soccer starting up again
BIGGEST HURDLE TO OVERCOME: patience while waiting for whatever is coming next. All day. Every day.


Day 2494 | Spring Piano Recital

Before we head out on our spring break vacation, we had to squeeze in a piano recital–never a dull moment! The boys played beautifully. Chase’s piece was my favorite to date, I think. It was a little bittersweet, though, because this is Chase’s last piano recital. He’ll be starting his middle school instrument this summer so he’ll be stepping away from piano lessons…after 5.5 years. Take a look at how far he’s come. I’m incredibly proud of all the work and patience he’s dedicated to piano over the years. It’s been a true joy to see his talent blossom and I look forward to seeing what his next musical adventure will be.