Day 2490 | Trampoline Party

As one final hurrah for Robbe’s birthday, we hosted nine kids (including our own) for a trampoline park birthday party. It was intense. But the kids had a blast, of course. Our new nine year old was definitely living his best life.

What’s crazy is that the last birthday party we threw was for Robbe at the trampoline park for his 6 birthday—just days before Covid shut the whole world down. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed that this party doesn’t spur a similar chain of events.

Day 2486 | 5th Grade Music Day

Chase got invited to skip school today to be a part of a special 5th grade music day. He was one of five kids in school to spend the day learning the ukulele, the alto recorder, a French dance, and choral arrangements. And then they hosted a concert at the end of the day for parents to attend. He had a really good time and I loved every second of it—especially the dance.

Day 2476 | Orchid Blooms (Again)

Can you believe it? My orchid is blooming again already! Last time I swear it was a year or more between blooms. The last of the blossoms fell in November and now it’s almost fully open again. I’m seriously shocked.

And don’t worry, the bun didn’t actually snack on the orchid today. Flopsy just snuck in a quick nibble as I was taking the photo. He’ll get to eat them when they fall on their own. Be patient, little bun, but patient.