Day 2493 | Chicago
/Look at us out on the town! Chicago (the musical) didn’t disappoint and it was just lovely to spend the evening with some of my most favorite people.
Look at us out on the town! Chicago (the musical) didn’t disappoint and it was just lovely to spend the evening with some of my most favorite people.
Robbe’s been real into Akedos lately. So now we’re all involved. Akedo battles for everyone!
Robbe is working on redecorating his room and asked for this chair for his birthday. Who knew a chair could be this exciting? I think it has ended up in every room of the house in the last week.
As one final hurrah for Robbe’s birthday, we hosted nine kids (including our own) for a trampoline park birthday party. It was intense. But the kids had a blast, of course. Our new nine year old was definitely living his best life.
What’s crazy is that the last birthday party we threw was for Robbe at the trampoline park for his 6 birthday—just days before Covid shut the whole world down. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed that this party doesn’t spur a similar chain of events.
We had such a great day celebrating our favorite 9-year-old. We managed to fill it with everything that sparks joy in our little guy: donuts, presents, sushi, pinballing, more presents, special treats, a little video-gaming, and lots of love from friends and family.
Our first official outing on our new cross country skis and it was a success! The sun was shining, the cold wasn’t unbearable, and we made it home in time to make pancakes for the boys. That’s motivation.
The boys performed in their first musical today! Look how cute they look!! The entire group worked incredibly hard and pulled off a great performance—even though the a/v equipment didn’t cooperate. I’m so proud of these two for trying something totally out of their comfort zone and not even complaining [that much] about it.
Chase got invited to skip school today to be a part of a special 5th grade music day. He was one of five kids in school to spend the day learning the ukulele, the alto recorder, a French dance, and choral arrangements. And then they hosted a concert at the end of the day for parents to attend. He had a really good time and I loved every second of it—especially the dance.
I know I’m behind on several posts from the big birthday weekend…but those will have to wait. Tonight we ventured out in the snow for a show at the performing arts center down the street. Think fantasy + puppets (the unicorn pictured above is a puppet!). They did a good job with it and the boys both offered rave reviews after.
Birthdays are my favorite. I got so many sweet messages, hung out with a bunch of my favorite people, received many thoughtful gifts, and overall felt SO MUCH love. Thanks to everyone who helped make my day special. I appreciate it more than I can say.
I think this holiday might be a lot more enjoyable if we didn’t have two birthdays coming right on its heels. Even still, we managed to have a nice day filled with extra love in the air. And ending with our traditional Valentine’s pizza and video game night is always a big hit.
I hope you were feeling some extra love today, too!
Look! Six moms were able to get together on a Monday night without anyone having to bow out! If you don’t realize how impressive that is, I can fill you in.
I wanted to do a friends dinner for my birthday this year and it was everything I hoped it would be. I enjoyed every second.
An early birthday present! After years of debating, we got cross country skis. And I’m super excited about it. Now, whether spring comes early or we get several more rounds of snow, I’ll have nothing to complain about.
Sunshine makes everything feel brighter, doesn’t it? I hope the sun is keeping you company today, too.
We ate dinner out tonight. On a week night. Crazy, I know.
I just realized I never posted about our new little basketball player. Robbe has been working hard on his bball skills since the New Year and he’s made some impressive improvements. And, from a spectating standpoint, it’s a lot more comfortable to watch a sport when you can be inside. It’s a win for everyone.
I hope your weekend was filled with as much laughter, singing, pinball, and puzzling as ours was.
Can you believe it? My orchid is blooming again already! Last time I swear it was a year or more between blooms. The last of the blossoms fell in November and now it’s almost fully open again. I’m seriously shocked.
And don’t worry, the bun didn’t actually snack on the orchid today. Flopsy just snuck in a quick nibble as I was taking the photo. He’ll get to eat them when they fall on their own. Be patient, little bun, but patient.
We’ve been crazy busy lately (always!), but I haven’t taken any photos. Eek! Instead, enjoy this one from a couple of weeks ago when we taught the 4-H club how to make these sweet paper flowers. We’ll be delivering them as Valentines to a senior living center in February. This is why I love 4-H. :)
A robot helped serve us our food tonight. It’s not a big deal. It’s a huge deal.
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