Day 2451 | Weekend Magic

Weekends are the best, aren’t they? And, as far as Saturdays go, today was about as good as it gets. We had a low key morning with muffins. Went for a walk downtown where we witnessed a duck promenade in the river and enjoyed tasty warm beverages. The boys both had afternoon play dates while Chris supervised and put together a puzzle. Me? I enjoyed a holiday market with a friend. Then we walked back downtown for some delicious pizza before putting on a holiday movie after the boys went to bed. Oh, and Chris and Chase wore matching shirts, too. I mean…perfect, right?

I really love this time of year.

Day 2441 | Bunny Snuggles

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that life has slowed down and we’ve been fully enjoying and appreciating the slower pace around here (thanks to book festival and soccer wrapping up).

The bad news? I can’t update my blog from my phone anymore. This, as you might imagine, makes my *daily* posts that much more difficult. I guess Squarespace has decided that it doesn’t want to support 8-year-old blogs anymore. Crazy, right? If my posts become more sporadic, please forgive me. I’ll do my best to transition to using my computer again, I promise.

Day 2440 | The Addams Family

We were treated to quite the impressive high school musical today. Our niece/cousin starred as Wednesday in The Addams Family Musical and she was incredible. The entire cast was great and the set design and directing were pretty spectacular as well (thanks to my sister-in-law and brother). After living in DC away from family for so many years, I still don’t take days like this for granted. It makes my heart happy to be a part of these moments.

Day 2438 | Cute Bun

Sorry I continue to be quiet on the blog lately. I’m just not taking many photos, it seems. I’d like to say that means I’m living in the moment more, but, in fact, I’ve probably just been too busy to take anything of interest. Haha.

I took this nice photo of the bun tonight for all of you, though. I realized Flopsy hasn’t gotten much attention on the blog lately either. He’s still around, for the record. We’re pretty sure he’s counting down the days until we bring home our Christmas tree. He loves Christmas.

Day 2436 | Last of the Orchid

The first day of the full blooming orchid was mid-July. I’ve been watching the blooms slowly die off for a bit now, but yesterday the final flower fell to the ground. Three and a half months of enjoying that beautiful plant. That’s pretty amazing, right? And now the wait begins until the next bloom. I think it was over a year last time…I’ll keep you posted.

Side note: the photo above is the bun enjoying an orchid snack after the final bloom fell off the plant. The bun loves orchids, too!

Day 2435 | STEAM Fair

Instead of having a Halloween celebration yesterday, the boys’ school always hosts a STEAM Fair to divert attention from costumes and candy. It’s a great plan and it works like a charm.

The boys really enjoyed learning about their topics and presenting them to other students. Even the parents get to enjoy the fair. Chase selected deep sea animals as his project and Robbe chose platypuses. Both subject matters I know very little about—until now.

Day 2434 | Halloween 2022

What a lovely Halloween! Robbe dressed as a Clone Trooper (with a helmet we’ve had in our closet for four years..woohoo!) and Chase decided to be Marethyu (from the series The Legends of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel). We managed a quick visit to see a bunch of family and then came back to our neighborhood for the serious trick or treating. The Wisconsin weather even cooperated. It was one of the warmest I can remember.

Thanks to my mom for sewing up Chase’s cloak and thanks to Chris for supporting my crazy costume-crafting. Making these costumes brings me so much joy.

Halloweens Past

Enjoy a quick history of all of the boys’ costumes over the years. I love looking back at all these photos, so I thought you might as well.

2021 - Poseidon and Ares
2020 - Legends of Zelda Family Costume
2019 - Ninjas
2018 - King and Knight
2017 - Scientist and Spider
2016 - Frozone and Tool Guy
2015 - Firefighter and Dalmation
2014 - Hedgehogs
2013 + 2012 - Goldfish and Owl (just Chase)