Day 2431 | Busy, Busy

It’s been crazy around here lately. I mean, crazy crazy. With the book festival going on since Thursday, I’ve barely had a chance to catch my breath racing from one thing to the next. It’s weird that the rest of life doesn’t slow down when the book festival is going on. Just a couple more days and things will get back to our normal level of crazy.

I did manage to snap this photo of an orange tree that has been bringing me joy in my front yard this week. That counts as being present in the moment, right?

Day 2430 | Young Writers

The boys both read their original artwork at the Chippewa Valley Book Festival’s Young Writers Read Showcase. Kids between grades 3-8 can submit their stories and 2-3 from each grade get accepted to present their work on stage. I asked them to read their pieces for you in advance so you didn’t have to miss out on all the fun. Check out the links below. Yay for young authors!

Day 2418 | Reunited

We went on a kid-free adventure this weekend (the second in a row for me!) and although we had such a fun time, it sure was nice to reunite with the boys this afternoon. I definitely enjoy some time away (and am so appreciative of it!), but it always feels like something is missing, you know? I’m not sure if that makes me lucky or crazy, but either way I’m fine with it.