Day 2399 | Soaking Up Summer
/The last few days of summer vacation have flown by (like the rest of summer, I guess). Here are some moments captured along the way.
The last few days of summer vacation have flown by (like the rest of summer, I guess). Here are some moments captured along the way.
Since the weather wasn’t cooperating at the lake this weekend, we figured it was the perfect opportunity to try out a local mini golf establishment. The course wrapped around a wooded lot and provided just the entertainment we needed as we waited for some sunnier weather. I even beat Chris by one stroke! And I’m pretty sure I wasn’t cheating—he can back me up. :)
Sweet corn is definitely one of my favorite foods to harvest. After this year, I think the boys get it, too. It’s so easy to pick, the ears accumulate quickly, and it’s simple to know whether it’s ripe. Also, it’s delicious. Obviously.
The boys hit the babysitter jackpot this summer when our sweet neighbor agreed to hang out with them a couple of days a week. They went on all sorts of adventures, played a ton of board games, taught her a lot about LEGOs, and just enjoyed having hours of undivided attention. She’ll definitely be missed around here as she heads off to college, but we’re so excited for this next chapter in her life.
We were back at our favorite hike today. Some of us (me) thought it would be fun to try some place new. But some of us (the boys) decided that rock scampering outweighed a desire for adventure. I guess I can see their perspective.
We had such a fun weekend exploring parts of Chris’s hometown that we never have time for on quicker trips. Hanging out with the cousins was invaluable, the crafting with Chris’s mom was really fun, and the weather even cooperated. Maybe we need to take all of our vacations here from now on!
Check out this sweet water obstacle course. We ended up with a couple of [minor] injuries, but otherwise had a lovely time. To be clear, I didn’t go in, but the boys sure had a great morning of maneuvering the slippery obstacles.
We had such a great day yesterday. The boys and I went on a bit of a road trip to visit some friends. We ate breakfast for lunch, we visited a zoo in a mall, and we rolled some homemade ice cream. With summer coming to an end, it’s important to stuff as much into these days as possible.
The boys got these sweet wheel attachments in NYC and we just recently remembered they exist. Funny how that happens! They’re wheels that clip onto your heels, over your shoes. Our boys haven’t really attempted much roller or inline skating (not that it probably would have helped much here), so this was a completely new adventure. It took some hard work (and a couple of scrapped knees and elbows), but I’ve been impressed with their progress! I’ll try to catch a video at some point, too.
It was an oddly cool day (and slightly drizzly), but we opted for a hike at Perrot State Park and it was pretty great. We stopped at a toy store on the way home and the hike was still Chase’s favorite part is the day. That’s when you know it was a successful outing.
It’s a good day when you can hang out with two adorable puppies and four good friends.
I’ve been fighting our refrigerator for about 18 months. Today, we gave up the fight and welcomed a new model. Hopefully this means no more defrosting in our future. Fancy, right?
The boys and I enjoyed a lovely downtown stroll today while running a couple of errands. And then we stumbled upon this garbage bee. Pretty awesome, right?
It was a beautiful morning for a bike ride. We tracked down this new mural and visited one of Eau Claire’s prettiest parks. We do have some fun, you know?
These two have been busy harvesting in the garden. It’s been a tough year for some of our plants (and the sneaky deer didn’t help), but you don’t have to worry about us going hungry. We have plenty of cucumbers to go around.
The boys and I drove an embarrassingly long distance to attend a “Romp & Spa” event put on by the rescue organization where we got Flopsy. And, let me tell you, it was worth every minute of the drive. Flopsy loved prancing around all his bunny friends and we loved taking in the whole scene. The boys tried to do a count and they estimated about 30 buns in attendance. It was hysterical. To top it off, Flops got his nails trimmed, too (hence the “spa” in the name). I’m not sure we’ll be back, but if the stars align again, it is tempting!
Can you tell we’ve been busy around here? Where do the days go, you know? Here’s hoping for a more relaxing and restorative last month of summer. We’re hoping to find some *extra time* in these busy days to just be. Wish us luck!
The boys have been taking swim lessons with a recent high school graduate this summer and it’s been really impressive to watch. The boys are being challenged with distance, honing the different strokes, and making some serious progress on their dives. Today they even used ducks on their foreheads to make sure their heads remained stable. There were some good chuckles about that.
It’s been awhile but we finally made it back to Point for some family time. It went by too quickly (as always), but we sure had fun. And lots of good belly laughs, too. We even squeezed in a birthday celebration.
We hiked/rock-scampered at one of our favorite places today. This place makes me so happy. And we walked away with just one wet shoe—a success!
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