Day 2378 | Return to High Bridge

Today’s adventure? A family bike ride back to High Bridge. It’s been closed for repairs for a long time but reopened this spring. Somehow it’s taken us this long to fit in a return trip. We can officially check it off the list.

And we decided to keep going and stop over to Little Niagara before heading home. We figured if we saw the real Niagara this summer, we needed to make sure to visit EC’s version, too.

Day 2372 | Ultimate Frisbee

Have you ever watched a game of ultimate frisbee? It’s intense. And impressive. Chris is playing in a parks and rec league this summer and we went to watch the game tonight. We’re all so proud of him for putting himself out there with a bunch of strangers to get back into the sport he enjoyed in a past life. He definitely can hold his own and we really enjoyed cheering him on.

Day 2371 | Baby Robins

After two failed attempts with this nest by our back door, there are finally baby birds. Third time is a charm, I guess! There are actually four baby robins (although you can only see three in this photo). I worked on the back porch and witnessed first had how hard the momma and dad robins had to work for these babies today. Bird-rearing is intense!

Also, tiny birds are both adorable and super creepy simultaneously.

Day 2363 | Father’s Day

We’re thankful everyday to have this guy in our lives. He makes us laugh, he can always find everything that’s lost, he knows more about Pokémon than any adult should, he’s overly willing to accommodate our every need, he is an incredible role model in every sense of the phrase.

I’m not sure how I managed to snag this guy as my husband and father to my boys, but boy do I feel lucky.

Day 2361 | New York Vacay Part 3 : Niagara Falls

And here’s the final chapter of our sweet family vacation…Niagara Falls. The cities surrounding the falls (in the U.S. and Canada) were, well, interesting. But the waterfalls were INCREDIBLE and just so IMPRESSIVE. It was a lovely ending to a perfect tour of New York.

The weather was absolutely perfect, the boys were travel-experts, and all of the puzzle pieces of this vacation all came together flawlessly. We could not have asked for a better way to spend a week.

Day 2360 | New York Vacay Part 2 : Mid-State

Are you ready for Part 2? Here we go! Our New York mid-state adventures included a visit to Legoland, a stop at a Finger Lakes vineyard, an impromptu swing into Ithaca (including a cat cafe!), and a hike at Watkins Glen State Park. Enough mid-state excitement for you? I have to say, it was pretty amazing.

*Click on the photos below to enlarge (with captions). Just make sure you click through the website (and not your email) if you want to see them.