Day 2071 | Challenge Complete


I decided to sign up for a month-long challenge through the MommaStong program I’ve been doing. My goal was to show up every day in January. I even bought myself a water bottle as a prize for completing the challenge to help motivate me. Guess what? I did it. Even though I was often surrounded by rambunctious boys, an inquisitive cat, and dirty floors, I did it. If you know me, you know I have a hard time making space for myself in my day so this is a big deal. Yay for self-care.

Day 2066 | Sunshine


Last week was a tough one. I was too busy every single day and I felt it by the end of the week. My to-do list still feels daunting, but slightly more manageable this week, so I did something crazy this morning. In a quiet house, I enjoyed a cup of coffee while reading in the sunshine with a cat curled up in my lap. We spent 20 minutes like that. It was exactly what I needed.

Day 2060 | Meet Wally


We have a new [temporary] family member. I’d like to introduce you to Wally. She’s a cat that’ll be up for adoption through the Eau Claire County Humane Association after she heals from a hip injury. We’re fostering a cat! Woohoo! Wally will be with us for at least week and then she’ll be posted for adoption. Hopefully she’ll be adopted quickly. She’s a sweet little peanut.

Day 2059 | What a Day


Today was a day. I wouldn’t describe my life as low-key on any normal day but this one really kicked it up a notch. I blame Covid…and motherhood…and just life, I guess. Here’s a glimpse at the roles I took on today:

  • Teacher: remote schooling for both boys

  • House cleaner: four loads of laundry and fresh linens on all the beds; three rounds of dishes (plus loading the dishwasher); general picking up ALL DAY LONG

  • Graphic designer: oh yeah...that job I actually get paid for.

  • Hair stylist: three haircuts

  • Volunteer: book festival is back, baby

  • Personal chef: homemade waffles for breakfast, gluten-free main course for dinner (lunch was in there too, just nothing to write home about)

  • Mom: in charge of dispute resolution, enrichment, entertaining, and

That was just today. The things we do.

Day 2057 | Gluten-Free


Yep. Gluten-free is happening at our house…for me, anyway. No, it’s not a fancy New Year’s resolution (just coincidental timing) or some fad I’m dying to be a part of. I went to the doctor last week and she let me know that my stomach doesn’t seem to love gluten as much as my mind and heart do. Quite a conflict, right?

Library to the rescue (note all the cookbooks pictured above) as I try to navigate an entirely new way of eating. It turns out about four of the meals I have in my entire dinnertime repertoire are gluten-free. It’s everywhere, I’m telling you.

Last week I was feeling overwhelmed and disheartened. This week, I’m ready to face the challenge head-on. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

Day 2053 | Drawing


Robbe has been following along with a drawing YouTube channel this week. He’s always loved art but I don’t think he knows how to develop the skills to keep him interested—lord knows I can’t help him there. Crafting? Yes! Drawing? No, sir.

This little lady was one of his projects today. Isn’t she so cute? I guess it’s an LOL doll if you know what that is (we didn’t…ha!). I’ll keep you posted if he ends up producing any other gems.