Day 2052 | Darts
/Did you hear we got a dart board for Christmas? I’m the first to admit I’m surprised at how much it’s been used in the last couple of weeks. It’s hard to say whether Chris or Robbe has been working harder to hone their skills.
Did you hear we got a dart board for Christmas? I’m the first to admit I’m surprised at how much it’s been used in the last couple of weeks. It’s hard to say whether Chris or Robbe has been working harder to hone their skills.
For real, is there anything better than a lazy day after the chaos of the holidays? This is me and the big one reading books about cats (I’m sure you’ve heard of the Warriors series) while snuggling under a cat blanket. That’s normal, right?
Asking for a friend…how many Legos are too many Legos?
Robbe bought a stuffed animal surprise toy with his Christmas money and uncovered these beautiful fake nails and rings as part of the “surprises”. Can you believe our luck?
One of my favorite parts of this season is the holiday cards. There’s nothing like snail mail and photos of my favorite people to brighten the days and connect us all during this crazy time. I appreciate every one of these smiling faces.
The little one worked so hard on his ice skating skills this afternoon. It’s amazing how much progress is possible in just a day. Hard work + determination. There’s a life-lesson, there.
It turns out I really like lake ice skating. Merry Christmas, everyone.
It’s been a tradition the last few years to open gifts as our four-person family outside of a larger gathering. As much as I love the hustle and bustle of big family Christmases, I really enjoy the low-key time with just our little family to exchange gifts and do our own thing.
Tonight the boys picked our dinner (mini pizzas). We watched a Christmas food network challenge, sang some Christmas songs with piano accompaniment, talked about the importance of giving back and which organizations we’d be donating to this year. And then…the present opening! The boys were patient and attentive and, most of all, appreciative. We all got too many gifts but this year I’m not even feeling that guilty about it. I guess that’s one perk of Covid. Ha!
I thought that since we weren’t going to see Santa in person this year that it wasn’t necessary to draft a letter stating our requests. Robbe had another opinion on the matter when he panicked about not having written one yet.
Don’t worry, it got dropped off in a special delivery box earlier today. We’ll all sleep a bit better tonight.
The colder it gets in Wisconsin, the harder it is to motivate yourself to get outside (especially without snow). However, we went for a walk and ended up discovering these sweet rocks. That’s almost as good as sledding and snowman-building, I guess.
Is there anything harder than waiting for Christmas to arrive? I can’t be the only one who thinks this year has been unbelievably long and incredibly short at the same time. I mean, how is it Christmas already?!?
We continue to work through some fun graphs after our book donation project. Today’s goal? See how many inches our books measured and then compare that number to our family members’ heights. Spoiler: the boys + me = not as tall as the books. The boys + Chris = just a bit taller. They win!
Look how adult we are! We have built-in bookshelves and cabinets! We’ve been deliberating this project for some time and it’s finally a reality. We couldn’t be happier with the final product (below is the before, above is the after). We actually have a space for our [one million] board games. And the tv is mounted (thanks, Chris). Things are getting pretty crazy over here.
We said a sad farewell to Blossom today. You remember Blossom, right? He was a good little friend and we’ll miss him.
Our 4-H club made holiday cards for a local nursing home again this year. We just had to make them at home instead of as a group—the cards pictured above are ours and the ones dropped off by other members. I’m glad we could still spread some holiday cheer, but it sure felt different. Here’s hoping we’re back in person for card-crafting next year.
Today was a beautiful December day in Wisconsin. Chase and I spent part of it picking up our book orders from a couple of our favorite local businesses. Today was the last day of our book drive and we were so overwhelmed by people’s generosity that we decided we needed to spread the a little more love to local businesses.
Jump over to the book donation project blog if you want to catch up on what we’ve been doing. Now that the donation window has closed, we’ll be buying more books with the donation money, organizing the donation information, and graphing our results. So much fun left to be had.
Robbe made 25 tri-bead candy cane ornaments today. And one tri-bead heart. That’s some serious crafting. He’s so proud to be handing these out to his classmates. I hope they love them just as much as he does!
This was a cover on a catalogue that showed up in my mailbox. It captured exactly how I’m feeling this year. Let’s home Christmas 2020 comes through for us all.
Chris and I traded our five-year-old iPhone 6s for fancy new iPhone 12 Minis today. We’re, like, really high-tech now. Above is my first photo with my new phone. You can tell the difference, right? ;)
Tonight was our first annual family Holiday Lights Extravaganza. We got takeout, ate in the car, and took in the best holiday lights Eau Claire has to offer. Chris and I saw a lights + music show for the first time-we actually saw two! It took us 35+ years. The boys experienced this type of festive production at 6 and 9. Lucky ducks.
I didn’t take any photos, but here is our holiday lights display. Not bad, right? Chris did a really great job.
Have you been keeping up with the book donation project? Don’t forget there’s a separate blog on the bottom of this page!
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