Day 2045 | A Family Christmas


It’s been a tradition the last few years to open gifts as our four-person family outside of a larger gathering. As much as I love the hustle and bustle of big family Christmases, I really enjoy the low-key time with just our little family to exchange gifts and do our own thing.

Tonight the boys picked our dinner (mini pizzas). We watched a Christmas food network challenge, sang some Christmas songs with piano accompaniment, talked about the importance of giving back and which organizations we’d be donating to this year. And then…the present opening! The boys were patient and attentive and, most of all, appreciative. We all got too many gifts but this year I’m not even feeling that guilty about it. I guess that’s one perk of Covid. Ha!

Day 2037 | Shop Small


Today was a beautiful December day in Wisconsin. Chase and I spent part of it picking up our book orders from a couple of our favorite local businesses. Today was the last day of our book drive and we were so overwhelmed by people’s generosity that we decided we needed to spread the a little more love to local businesses.

Jump over to the book donation project blog if you want to catch up on what we’ve been doing. Now that the donation window has closed, we’ll be buying more books with the donation money, organizing the donation information, and graphing our results. So much fun left to be had.

Day 2033 | Holiday Lights


Tonight was our first annual family Holiday Lights Extravaganza. We got takeout, ate in the car, and took in the best holiday lights Eau Claire has to offer. Chris and I saw a lights + music show for the first time-we actually saw two! It took us 35+ years. The boys experienced this type of festive production at 6 and 9. Lucky ducks.

I didn’t take any photos, but here is our holiday lights display. Not bad, right? Chris did a really great job.

Have you been keeping up with the book donation project? Don’t forget there’s a separate blog on the bottom of this page!