Day 1298 | First Demonstration Speech


Chase gave his first demonstration speech at a 4-H meeting tonight. I remember doing these every year as a member and was beyond excited to have him jump into his first foray into public speaking. 

The topic he selected was "My Favorite Sandwich" and he demonstrated how to make his hummus, pretzel, and cheese sandwich that he created (remember this?) and it turned out to be the perfect topic for him. He nailed it: an introduction, he didn't use any notes but he didn't forget anything, and he even made some eye contact. We couldn't be prouder of ths little guy. And his brother did a great job of showing off his visual aid (which Chase wrote all the words on but Chris illustrated).

If you're dying to watch the speech (I know there's a good chance only the grandparents will take me up on this), you can see it here (don't mind the full minute that he spends spreading the hummus in total silence...ha!):