Day 2581 | Bussing

Can you believe BOTH boys are taking the school bus this year? Robbe is riding in the morning and Chase takes the bus to AND from school. It’s crazy! I’ve driven them back and forth (minus about three days when we tried bussing last time) and now I’m officially off the hook in the morning.

There’s been a clear shift in the boys craving more independence—especially that older one. It’s a very sweet transition. Luckily, they both very much prioritize mom and dad time so I don’t have any of the sad feelings to go along with this…yet.

Day 2578 | A Dream Saturday

Man, today was a good day. We had a relaxing morning followed by a treasure hunting adventure at some neighborhood thrift sales. Robbe started soccer back up so we spent part of the afternoon cheering him on—with perfect sporting weather, too. Then we walked downtown and stopped by the library. Back in time for a yummy meal, an elaborate board game, and Badger football—all on our porch. It might not be everyone’s ideal day, but it felt pretty good to this family.