Day 2479 | Poke Bowls
/We ate dinner out tonight. On a week night. Crazy, I know.
We ate dinner out tonight. On a week night. Crazy, I know.
I just realized I never posted about our new little basketball player. Robbe has been working hard on his bball skills since the New Year and he’s made some impressive improvements. And, from a spectating standpoint, it’s a lot more comfortable to watch a sport when you can be inside. It’s a win for everyone.
I hope your weekend was filled with as much laughter, singing, pinball, and puzzling as ours was.
Can you believe it? My orchid is blooming again already! Last time I swear it was a year or more between blooms. The last of the blossoms fell in November and now it’s almost fully open again. I’m seriously shocked.
And don’t worry, the bun didn’t actually snack on the orchid today. Flopsy just snuck in a quick nibble as I was taking the photo. He’ll get to eat them when they fall on their own. Be patient, little bun, but patient.
We’ve been crazy busy lately (always!), but I haven’t taken any photos. Eek! Instead, enjoy this one from a couple of weeks ago when we taught the 4-H club how to make these sweet paper flowers. We’ll be delivering them as Valentines to a senior living center in February. This is why I love 4-H. :)
A robot helped serve us our food tonight. It’s not a big deal. It’s a huge deal.
We made it out for some evening sledding tonight ahead of a cold front moving in. It was a little intense for me, but the boys had fun!
We’ve got a new extracurricular around here…and it’s shooting sports. Yep. That’s a thing. The boys have been working on their air rifle skills through a 4-H program and have been really enjoying it. Tonight was only their second session and I think they managed to hit the target paper every time. Chase even found out he shoots left-handed. Good to know, I guess.
I don’t see adding hunting as a favorite family activity any time soon, but learning a new life skill is always welcomed.
The boys and I definitely needed to find something to do outside the house today. Somehow I managed to talk them into a hike. I know. I’m surprised, too. We decided to check out our favorite warm-weather hike in EC for the first time in the winter and it was so much fun. The boys nearly killed themselves sliding down the steep slopes and I managed to squeeze in a couple of moments admiring just how pretty this time of year is. It was a total win!
The Book of Mormon came to EC!! Can you believe it? I loved every second of it.
When you spend part of your day updating a client’s website with their newest cookie flavor, an emergency trip after school for Rice Krispie treats is a top priority. And they didn’t disappoint.
Have you ever had one of those days where everything just seems hard? I’ve had two of those in a row and I’m over it. Don’t worry—nothing major to complain about just normal “why can’t anything be simple?” kind of stuff. Thankfully, some of my favorite people sent me this gorgeous bouquet of flowers and boy did it brighten my spirits. Flowers…I just love them so much.
We did a lot of fun stuff today—snowshoeing on the lake, thrashing in the yard, crafting, pinballing, puzzling, etc. However, I took zero photos of any of that. Instead enjoy this one of the boys and the bun watching a movie.
The boys did a downtown bingo scavenger hunt over the summer (I thought I posted about it but I can’t find it!), and Chase just found out he won a prize for completing it. $25 in free ice cream. Whoop whoop! It pays to get out there.
Our plans to go ice skating got sidetracked yesterday so we squeezed it in this afternoon. Look at us getting out!
We got all dressed up and hit the town for a gala at the brand new Children’s Museum tonight. We felt very fancy and had so much fun. I didn’t take any great photos, but this one will do. Such joy.
I always find it satisfying to reflect a little at the end of the year. Resolutions + goal-setting are great, but I tend to be more focused on looking forward all year long. Taking a second to look back, however, is something I don’t do very often. It sure does put things into perspective, though, doesn’t it?
Enough build-up! Here we go…
Read 30 (THIRTY!) books. I don’t know if you can tell, but I’m pretty proud of that. For a few minutes, I thought I finished at 29 but then remembered one that wasn’t on my log. Whew. Thirty is much more satisfying, don’t you agree?
Family life is about as good as it can be. The ages of 8 + 10 might be my favorite. They’re just so much fun. And hanging out with your best friend/husband all the time? Yeah, that’s pretty sweet, too.
Decided to start a new business (eek!) with the best partner a girl could ask for. More info on that to come.
Hosted 20 events to build community at the boys’ school as part of my role as Governance Board Vice President.
Helped to market a seven-day book festival with 16 events. It’s a ton of work, but more than worth all the effort.
Taught myself a brand-new piano song. I’m glad the piano and I are friends again.
Managed to substitute teach in every one of the Montessori classrooms. That was mostly last school year. This year I’m trying very hard to commit to only one day a week. There’s just so much need. Side note: you should become a sub so it’s easier on everyone!
Wrote 181 blog posts. I know I’ve slacked a bit more this year, but I feel ok about it. I’m still doing my best to capture our “small days” so that has to be enough.
Continued seeing my therapist. It’s a little more inconsistent than when I started, but I’m happy to report I still get a lot out of it.
Soaked in the sun and read a ton in Puerto Vallarta, made some lovely memories during an 8-day road trip across New York, and locked myself in a hotel room with a dear friend in Boston for a weekend filled with lots of working and an equal amount of laughter. It’s nice to be traveling again.
I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again. I LOVE holiday cards. It just brings me so much joy to have a wall filled with some of my favorite people. And who doesn’t love getting mail, you know?
We rang in the New Year by celebrating with just the four of us. We even all made it to midnight! Robbe was very proud of himself. Here’s to another year of being happy, healthy, and making lots of memories.
We finally made it to the indoor skating rink! And it was so fun. The boys did great. I’m hoping with a few more visits to the rink, we’ll have expert skaters by the end of the season.
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