Day 2333 | Feeling Hoppy
/Another cute shot from Easter. Aren’t these cousins the cutest with the bunny-cookie noses? I think so, too.
Another cute shot from Easter. Aren’t these cousins the cutest with the bunny-cookie noses? I think so, too.
I hope you all enjoyed your Easter weekend as much as we did. We hosted family for the first time in a long time…and it was so nice to have our house bustling with activity.
Also, Easter when you have a pet bunny is extra exciting.
With Flopsy’s big day coming up (Easter is all about bunnies, after all), here’s a fun photo of him with a giant leaf. He’s very excited to celebrate tomorrow. As you can tell.
Side note: Sorry about my lack of posts this week. It’s been crazy around here and I haven’t been taking any photos. I swear I’ll be better this week!
The boys decided they wanted a trip to the Mall of America instead of birthday parties this year. We were happy to oblige. We went on rides (with varying degrees of success), we succeeded in an epic escape room, hung out with good friends, ate delicious food, and went on quite a shopping spree. It was a lovely way to spend some time together and the perfect ending to birthday season at our house.
We had a lovely day celebrating our favorite 10 year old. There was chocolate chip pancakes, video games, Pokemon shopping, presents galore (including a fancy new bike!), macaroni + cheese for dinner, and ice cream cookie sandwiches for dessert. That’s pretty great, right?
If you’re one of our friends (or distant family) that doesn’t know Chase personally, let me just tell you that he’s super smart, really funny, beyond caring, and a rules-follower through and through. He loves school, his brother, his friends, being silly, playing games, reading (and more reading), Flopsy, being right, and so many more things. He’s pretty incredible.
Somehow this guy is hitting double digits tomorrow. That’s crazy, right?
Also, he’s losing teeth like it’s his job. Teeth are weird.
It wasn’t officially warm today but we spent most of it in the backyard nonetheless. Several hours and ten landscape bags later and we’ve got a leaf- and debris-free zone.
It wasn’t all serious work, though. We did break for a bit to try out Chris’s new yard game. We need some practice in frisbee-throwing accuracy, but it was a good first effort.
These friendly stuffed animals (called blobs) are taking over our house. This one, as you can tell, is giant-sized. But also super funny and very soft. We have one happy eight year old over here.
I’ve been swamped with web design work since we got back from vacation. My body is definitely not used to sitting and staring at a computer screen for hours on end anymore. Today my back was screaming at me so I decided to roll out the ol’ yoga mat. The bun was confused. And interested. I think I might have a new yoga friend!
*Side note: yes, I was doing yoga in jeans and a sherpa vest. If I had to change clothes, it wasn’t going to happen. Haha
We’ve been waiting three years for this trip and it was everything we hoped it would be. The weather, the water, the company, the relaxation…the list goes on and on. We’ve been on a lot of trips with our kids but this is the first one that truly felt like a vacation. I even read three (3!) books in the course of a week. That’s crazy, right?
We’re beyond thankful to my parents for all they did to make the trip so memorable. And now…a photo gallery for you to enjoy. I miss the warm sunshine already.
We made it back from Puerto Vallarta last night after a week of sunshine, swimming, reading, eating, and exploring. I’ll be posting more photos soon, but for now I’ll just say how very lucky we’re feeling to have had such a lovely and relaxing vacation. And I’ll just add that being warm for the first time in months was one of my favorite parts.
Sunny Mexico, we’re heading your way! This trip has been a long [long] time coming which makes this moment even more exciting. I won’t be posting while we’re gone, but I’ll be sure to upload some photo highlights from the trip when we get back.
Adios, amigos!
We said goodbye to our favorite lizard on Monday but I realized I never posted this adorable photo. It turns out Flopsy and Parm were very interested in each other (Flopsy more than Parm, let’s be honest). Our bun was probably the happiest version we’ve seen throughout our weekend of lizard-sitting. He hopped up and hung out with on the couch constantly! Jealousy? Maybe. Trying to clinch favorite pet status? Maybe. Who knows what goes on in the mind of a rabbit? One thing that’s been consistent over the past five months is that I clearly have no understanding in that area.
I hinted at it before and here’s the big reveal. I’m very excited about the finished product–felt triangles…that’s a thing! I stumbled across this company and fell in love with the idea and was even able to create my own design. The whole process was super easy and the installation was better than expected.
We took Robbe’s new bike out for a spin and dodged a lot of puddles in the process (some of us didn’t actually try to dodge the puddles if I’m being honest).
Along the way we stopped at this new public art installation with a poem by our favorite author engraved on it. I’ve been meaning to stop and check it out for some time and finally the warmer temps, plus the right bike route, reminded me. I’m a big fan.
We’ve got a new friend at our house…temporarily. Have you ever hung out with a bearded dragon? Neither have we, but we’ve learned quickly. He’ll go back to my niece on Monday but for now we’re enjoying his lizard-y antics.
Another recital in the books! Both boys rocked their pieces. It’s a lot of work and a lot of practice sessions that aren’t their favorite, but it fills my heart more than I can say to hear them perform. They’re getting really good and I don’t think it’s just my bias. Check out the videos below and see for yourself!
I did a thing today! I painted this wall. Yes, just this one wall.
I’ve been wanting to switch up the look of this wall forever. Finally, I figured out what I want to do (stay tuned!). But before I can put up the new idea, I needed to give the wall a fresh coat of paint. Nothing is ever easy, is it? I’m just proud that it didn’t take me six months this time (that’s my normal timeline).
Robbe had birthday celebration #2 today. He requested time with his Stevens Point cousins so that’s what we did. Also, there was ice cream cake. It was a pretty great day.
Do you sometimes feel like there are themes to your days? I’ve noticed this every now and then and yesterday had an obvious theme: piles. Pokémon cards (we just had a birthday here, after all), laundry, dishes, and puzzle pieces. At least I enjoyed one out of the four.
And I’m happy to report all four piles were taken care of by today. Laundry folded and put away, Pokemon cards stacked. Dishes washed and returned to cabinets. And Robbe finished the puzzle after school. A sense of accomplishment on all fronts!
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