Day 2293 | Sunday Shenanigans
/I hope your Sunday was filled with just as much silliness as ours was with these two crazies.
I hope your Sunday was filled with just as much silliness as ours was with these two crazies.
Sometimes they just love each other so much.
The temperature is supposed to drop tonight so we had to make the most of some outdoor time today. We opted for a sledding adventure on a hill close to us. After the snowtubing disappointment, the sledding hill was well-received. Now back to indoor activities for the next week.
Look at my super-cute coffee date! He’s smart and funny, too.
We’ve been loving our holiday weekend at the lake. Snowshoeing, ice skating, domino-building, hot cocoa-drinking, puzzling, and so much more. Thank goodness for getting out of the house.
We did a new thing today. We tried out Christie Mountain’s snowtubing. It was a beautiful winter day for some outdoor fun, but we decided snowtubing might not be our favorite cold weather activity. It was very fast and very bumpy. Three out of the four of us walked (hobbled?) away with hurting tailbones. I’m not going to lie, it was pretty intense. I can see how some people really enjoy it, and maybe we’ll try again with some fresh (and maybe slower?) snow. Apparently we’re just not the thrill-seeking type. Good to know.
This is one of my favorite art exhibits I’ve stumbled upon. The Fabulous Florals and Fine Art exhibit at our local arts center just brings me so much joy. Local artists submit their art pieces and then local florists interpret those art pieces in a floral display. So fun, right?
The last time we attended this event was in 2019. I can’t say how happy I am that they hosted it again this year. And a special thanks to a friend for giving me the heads up it was happening—I would have missed it and been devastated otherwise!
You were warned. Is this not the cutest thing ever?
When it’s too cold to do anything outside, you bring the action inside. There have been some pretty intense volleys—and, for the record, headers are considered a legal hit.
The board game bonanza continued through the weekend but our paper airplane crafting really took flight (see what I did there?). The bun got in on the action when I looked over and he was standing guard over all the downed planes. He’s a pretty good guard-bunny, it turns out.
Sorry for my lack of posts lately. It’s been a bizarre week around here and there haven’t been many fun photo ops to take advantage of. There have been lots of board games, though. Lots and lots of board games.
What do you do when your new furry friend loves the Christmas tree so so much (as a sleeping spot and snacking zone) that you feel bad putting it on the curb now that the holidays are over? You make a little cave with some trimmed branches so he doesn’t have to say goodbye quite yet. And he’s a big fan!! Chris for the win!
So…2021 happened. I’m not sure I’d go back to relieve this past year over again if I had the choice, but some pretty great things came out of it. I got to spend oodles of time with my favorite people (but I also missed spending time with lots of my other favorite people). My family and I stayed healthy amidst a global pandemic. We’ve got jobs that we enjoy and a beautiful house that we’re thankful for every single day (not exaggerating). I could create a list of the hard parts of 2021, too, but we’ll focus on the bright-side, right?
In the spirit of ushering in the new by reflecting on the past, here’s a list of…
Fostered six cats. Fostering is kind of the best, by the way. I'm hoping we can start up again once we figure out if our bun is interested in furry friends.
Went gluten-free for three months and then happily (and healthily) added it back in without a problem. Woohoo!
Was vaccinated and boosted to keep me and the folks around me healthy.
Began substitute teaching at the boys' school.
Started seeing a therapist every month. I highly recommend.
Started paddleboarding. It's kind of my thing now.
Successfully marketed eight book festival events.
Got a bunny. You remember Flopsy (pictured above).
Read 27 books. My goal was one a month...I blew that one out of the water! I'll post a list of some of my favorites soon.
Wrote 230 blog posts. Not quite a photo a day (my vision from seven years ago), but not too shabby.
See ya, 2021. We’re ready for you, 2022! I’ve got a good feeling about this one.
This year’s holiday card display brings me so much joy. Thanks to all the friends and family that included us on their lists this year. I just love holiday cards.
We’re all hoping Santa stops by tonight. We’ll hope the same for all of the little ones out there. Merry Christmas, everyone.
Wishing you and yours the very best that Christmas has to offer. Whether you’re celebrating with a large family gathering or a quiet evening at home, I hope this season brings you peace, happiness, and love. I might be a bit absent from the blog as we celebrate with our families. Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon, though!
We’re officially four days from Christmas and the bun continues to love the holiday season. His favorite spot is under the tree and his favorite snack seems to be pine needles. We’re a little worried about what’s going to happen when the tree has to go on the curb. We might be stuck with an indoor pine tree all year long.
With travel on the agenda for next weekend, we had a little family Christmas extravaganza today. There was bowling, and cookie-making, and presents, and puzzling, and yummy food, and a Christmas movie. It was all so perfect. Days like these make me love the holiday season and even more.
Two of my favorite thing: Christmastime and escape rooms! And this round some of my favorite friends joined us, too. It was a fun, but challenging room and we managed to escape with about ten minutes left. The boys are practically experts now that they’ve solved their first two escape rooms.
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