Day 2288 | Snow Tubing

We did a new thing today. We tried out Christie Mountain’s snowtubing. It was a beautiful winter day for some outdoor fun, but we decided snowtubing might not be our favorite cold weather activity. It was very fast and very bumpy. Three out of the four of us walked (hobbled?) away with hurting tailbones. I’m not going to lie, it was pretty intense. I can see how some people really enjoy it, and maybe we’ll try again with some fresh (and maybe slower?) snow. Apparently we’re just not the thrill-seeking type. Good to know.

Day 2287 | Art + Flowers

This is one of my favorite art exhibits I’ve stumbled upon. The Fabulous Florals and Fine Art exhibit at our local arts center just brings me so much joy. Local artists submit their art pieces and then local florists interpret those art pieces in a floral display. So fun, right?

The last time we attended this event was in 2019. I can’t say how happy I am that they hosted it again this year. And a special thanks to a friend for giving me the heads up it was happening—I would have missed it and been devastated otherwise!

Day 2281 | 2021 Accomplishments

So…2021 happened. I’m not sure I’d go back to relieve this past year over again if I had the choice, but some pretty great things came out of it. I got to spend oodles of time with my favorite people (but I also missed spending time with lots of my other favorite people). My family and I stayed healthy amidst a global pandemic. We’ve got jobs that we enjoy and a beautiful house that we’re thankful for every single day (not exaggerating). I could create a list of the hard parts of 2021, too, but we’ll focus on the bright-side, right?

In the spirit of ushering in the new by reflecting on the past, here’s a list of…

My Favorite Accomplishments of 2021

  1. Fostered six cats. Fostering is kind of the best, by the way. I'm hoping we can start up again once we figure out if our bun is interested in furry friends.

  2. Went gluten-free for three months and then happily (and healthily) added it back in without a problem. Woohoo!

  3. Was vaccinated and boosted to keep me and the folks around me healthy.

  4. Began substitute teaching at the boys' school.

  5. Started seeing a therapist every month. I highly recommend.

  6. Started paddleboarding. It's kind of my thing now. 

  7. Successfully marketed eight book festival events. 

  8. Got a bunny. You remember Flopsy (pictured above).

  9. Read 27 books. My goal was one a month...I blew that one out of the water! I'll post a list of some of my favorites soon.

  10. Wrote 230 blog posts. Not quite a photo a day (my vision from seven years ago), but not too shabby.