Day 2199 | Teamwork
/When a cat loses a toy under the fridge, it’s all hands on deck around here. And guess what? They found TWO cat toys under there!
When a cat loses a toy under the fridge, it’s all hands on deck around here. And guess what? They found TWO cat toys under there!
Look! More murals in our neighborhood! And we couldn’t be happier about it.
Hip sneakers: check. Updated wardrobe: check. New masks: check. School supplies (not pictured): check. It’s impossible to believe the end of summer is just around the corner. These two are ready, though!
Summer is meant for fun. And fun to these boys means video game time. After an impromptu trip yesterday and today, I appreciated my little travel companions so much that we stopped at an arcade for some serious gaming.
The boys wrapped up the last day of four weeks worth of swim lessons today. They’ve made an incredible amount of progress and had so much fun. I can’t say I’ve hated the dedicated poolside reading time, either. And can you believe it…16 days of outdoor swim lessons and it wasn’t cancelled once because of weather. That’s pretty crazy.
We have a new foster cat! Meet Reginald, a sweet one-year old kitty who seems to love pets and following the little ones around. We’re so excited to have a furry friend back in our house again.
Some days just feel tougher than others, you know? Today was one of those. Coupled with a dozen other things, in one thirty-minute window today, I smashed my head with the door of the washing machine, Chase’s chain fell of during a bike ride, and Robbe got a bloody nose…during the same bike ride…while I was fixing the chain. Are you kidding me right now? Fingers crossed tomorrow is a bit more manageable.
Robbe dabbing on a skateboard. We’re cool like that.
Robbe has been taking my weekly flower walks with me. Just the two of us and I’ve really been enjoying it. He’s always up for the excursion and brings such life and energy to every moment. It’s exhausting at times, but so very sweet.
Chase is at a super cool LEGO Robotics camp this week so Robbe and I have 2.5 hours to ourselves everyday. I thoroughly enjoy my one-on-one time with my boys but it does feel so strange. We’re just meant to be a party of three, you know?
Robbe and I are making the most of our solo time together, though. In two days, we’ve been to two different playgrounds, played five games of Sequence for Kids (he won), had a play date, and visited our neighborhood splash pad. Pretty impressive, right? Who knows what the next three days have in store for us!
We call this advanced scootering. And Chase was crazy impressive at it.
These are the sunflowers up at the lake house. Crazy, right? And this was a couple of weeks ago. It turns out I’ve been really bad at taking photos to share on the blog these days. This will have to do.
Three of our nieces rocked it in Grease tonight. There’s something about a musical in an outdoor theater on a hot summer night that just makes me so happy. Also, I was with my number one son, so that sweetens it up even more.
*Also, Chase got this toothbrush at a giveaway booth. He was very excited about it—hence it being included in the photo.
So this is happening. Buh-bye, four layers of crumbling asphalt. Hello, new concrete. Keep cool thoughts headed our way as we wait for our air conditioning to be reinstalled on Friday.
We had friends pick up the boys’ 4-H projects since we didn’t get back in time to grab them ourselves. Guess what? Chase got his first-ever trophy (for his terrarium project)! Because we couldn’t go through the normal judging process, we weren’t sure the boys would even get their participation ribbons. We were wrong! Both boys were beyond excited about their accolades. It’s not always about the prize at the end, but sometimes the prizes can be really fun.
The boys presented their projects at the 4-H fair today. It wasn’t the normal judging because we’re heading out of town tomorrow and missing the real deal, but they had fun chatting about their projects (which included photography, an ice cream sundae candle, puppets, a cardboard castle, a favorite snack recipe, and a terrarium). All the work is worth it when you end up with such sweet projects. And the boys even got to participate in some fun 4- H olympic games (hence the other photos). It was nice to see the fair up and running again (in a more limited capacity, but still)!
Another summer in Wisconsin, another beautiful day for blueberry picking. It was a bit toasty, but no bugs so we won’t complain. Three ice cream pails (with us and my dad) in about 1.5 hours. Not too shabby, right? Especially when you consider how many that were picked but didn’t make it into the pail (and rerouted into two little tummies).
We were starting to worry that we wouldn’t make it down the river on a tube this summer. Luckily, the lack of plans and hot weather today helped us check this one off the list. And it was a beautiful float with my favorite people.
The 4-H fair is next week and today was photo day. We’ve been waiting a good bit for the free time and blue sky combination to be right for the outing. Today needed to be the day. And it worked out. My little budding photographer did great! I’m a pretty good teacher, I have to say.
The trees on each corner of our house have been asking to be removed since we moved in five years ago. Too overgrown and not cute. We need to figure out what to put in their places, but for now I’m just enjoying the tidier look.
small city | BIG DAYS
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