Day 2193 | Some Days

Some days just feel tougher than others, you know? Today was one of those. Coupled with a dozen other things, in one thirty-minute window today, I smashed my head with the door of the washing machine, Chase’s chain fell of during a bike ride, and Robbe got a bloody nose…during the same bike ride…while I was fixing the chain. Are you kidding me right now? Fingers crossed tomorrow is a bit more manageable.

Day 2190 | Alone Time

Chase is at a super cool LEGO Robotics camp this week so Robbe and I have 2.5 hours to ourselves everyday. I thoroughly enjoy my one-on-one time with my boys but it does feel so strange. We’re just meant to be a party of three, you know?

Robbe and I are making the most of our solo time together, though. In two days, we’ve been to two different playgrounds, played five games of Sequence for Kids (he won), had a play date, and visited our neighborhood splash pad. Pretty impressive, right? Who knows what the next three days have in store for us!

Day 2185 | 4-H Success

We had friends pick up the boys’ 4-H projects since we didn’t get back in time to grab them ourselves. Guess what? Chase got his first-ever trophy (for his terrarium project)! Because we couldn’t go through the normal judging process, we weren’t sure the boys would even get their participation ribbons. We were wrong! Both boys were beyond excited about their accolades. It’s not always about the prize at the end, but sometimes the prizes can be really fun.

Day 2184 | 4-H Fun

The boys presented their projects at the 4-H fair today. It wasn’t the normal judging because we’re heading out of town tomorrow and missing the real deal, but they had fun chatting about their projects (which included photography, an ice cream sundae candle, puppets, a cardboard castle, a favorite snack recipe, and a terrarium). All the work is worth it when you end up with such sweet projects. And the boys even got to participate in some fun 4- H olympic games (hence the other photos). It was nice to see the fair up and running again (in a more limited capacity, but still)!