Day 2132 | Back at the Library

It’s been a long time since we’ve stepped foot in a library. We’ve been doing holds pick ups for months now but we actually got to walk in and browse books yesterday. It. Was. Glorious.

Our library is in a temporary location for the next 15 months (give or take), so we couldn’t walk there this time around, but I’ll take it. The three of us enjoyed reuniting with our old friend, the library, even more than I can say.

Day 2130 | Mother's Day Reflections

In my long history of momming (9 years), this ranked up right up there as one of the toughest years yet. I’m happy to report sleep-deprivation wasn’t the culprit this time (which seems to have caused most of my angst in those early [crazy hard] years), but it turns out that a worldwide pandemic comes along with its share of challenges as well.

I feel emotionally, physically, and mentally spent but also hopeful, inspired, and motivated as I reflect on the past year of motherhood. I’m so ready to move on and move forward, but as I do that, reflecting on where I’ve been seems just as important. I want to shed the anxiety, guilt, sadness, and fear that enveloped so much of the last year, but I don’t think shoving those emotions into a box and pretending everything is fine now is going to do the trick this time around. I’m actively trying to figure out a way to work through all of that, but in the meantime, focusing on how far I’ve come seems helpful.

Things I hope my boys learned from me this year:

  • Patience: everything was tougher this year. Everything.

  • Determination: if we stick to it, things will get better.

  • Resilience: we can’t fix things we have no control over.

  • Empathy: if we all just think about how the other person feels, decisions become a lot easier.

  • Kindness: staying kind when things get bumpy is a life-lesson worth strengthening.

  • Inclusion: racism is real and takes real work and self-study to overcome

  • Strength: we’re so much stronger together than as individuals.

  • Gratitude: so many people gave so much of themselves and for others this past year. So inspiring.

  • Flexibility: I’m pretty sure this one needs no explanation.

  • Handling disappointment: I find this to be a particularly tough one to watch your kids go through.

  • Sacrifice for others: of course I wanted to be traveling, and eating out, and seeing my family…but this challenge was bigger than us and we could only do our part, but that had to be enough.

  • Hard work: homeschooling wasn’t easy. Remote learning wasn’t easy. Sometimes I expected more out of the boys than even their teachers did. They rose to the challenge and are better for it…I hope!

  • Compassion: even if from afar, support became such an important crutch.

  • Love: on the worst of the worst days, love is about the only thing that pulls you back out again.

I’m sure the list could go on and on. This year was tough, but we’re all tougher for it. I’ll take the lessons I learned and continue to weave them into my every day life moving forward. I hope the tiny humans that call me mom will take some of these lessons and make the world a kinder place. I challenge you to do the same.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Day 2129 | Flower Subscription

This is the best idea I’ve heard in a long time: a CSA-style flower subscription! For three weeks in the spring and all summer (starting in July) a local flower farm delivers a surprise bouquet to our neighborhood food co-op for us to pick up. So fun, right? We’re only on week two (which went to my mom because we’re splitting the subscription), but I can tell this is going to be a highlight of my summer.

Day 2128 | Cereal

Robbe ate his first bowl of cereal today. Is that weird? I’ve just never felt like cereal really fills them up so I’ve always offered different options. For some reason, today was the day. We dumped cereal into a bowl, added some milk, and Robbe ate it like a champ. It turns out he is a fan of cereal, but opts out of drinking the milk at the end (just like his mom).

I’m still not convinced cereal is a good school day option (it just doesn’t seem like enough!), but on a remote learning day, it’ll do the job.

As an aside, Chase (the nine year old), still hasn’t eaten a bowl of cereal with milk. We’ll see how long his streak lasts.

Day 2126 | A Beautiful Weekend

The thermometer hit 80 degrees at the lake house this weekend. As if we weren’t excited enough for summer already…this weekend really sealed the deal. We paddleboarded, we paddleboated, we hammocked, we gardened, some of us went for boat rides, all of us enjoyed the sunshine. Two crazy members of my family (Chris and Robbe) even jumped in the lake. Nothing better than a short vacation packed into one regular weekend.

Day 2123 | A Virtual Baby Shower


Another Covid first…a virtual baby shower! Even though we might all be a tad over Zoom hangouts, this one was really fun. Such an outpouring of love and support for my sister in law and my soon-to-be baby nephew (and my brother, too). I was beyond happy to participate and help in a bit of the planning. It was more fun than I ever would have thought a virtual shower could be and I’m just so glad to have had the chance to celebrate that little nugget. We’ve already got our plane tickets booked for the summer!

Day 2121 | Richmond


Another cat photo, I know. But isn’t he so handsome?

That’s not why I posted this photo, though. I wanted to share Richmond’s description on the humane society’s website (click here if you don’t believe me - you have to scroll down through the cat photos to find Richmond). Read it first, and then I’ll comment on why this is blog-post-worthy.

Meet Richmond-Special Needs

Richmond is a three year old special guy. He is neutered so his adoption fee is $60 plus tax and license if applicable. Richmond is sleek and a medium sized cat. He is special in the fact that he has chronic nasal discharge. He has been on multiple antibiotics but nothing seems to clear up his nasal congestion. The many veterinarians that have seen Richmond do not hear anything in his lungs. He is a healthy cat overall except for a sneezing fit or big booger once in awhile. Think of it as having a very drooley dog that you have to wipe up after. Richmond is looking for a home that doesn't mind a little snot here and there and that will keep up on regular veterinarian checks to make sure he doesn't get a upper respiratory infection. Once you get to know Richmond you will see he just wants love and attention. Apply at Foster mom says that Richmond is a very special friendly guy.

Sounds like a total dream, huh? This bio makes me chuckle so much. Almost none of this is true. He is on one medication (that I mix into his food) and he does sneeze sometimes (pretty rarely). He is definitely nothing like a “drooley dog” and doesn’t leave “snot here and there”. Full disclosure: he has had three sneezes (over the course of a week) that end up sneezing up phlegm. It’s much less terrifying than it sounds, I swear! Also, that last line mentioning me was just added, by the way—that wasn’t there before. He is honestly such a sweet, social cat. He might just be my favorite foster cat so far.

I think it’s safe to say that Richmond won’t be going anywhere any time soon. At least with that description.

Day 2120 | Throw Back Lawn Chairs


I’ve been on the look out for this style of lawn chair for longer than I’d care to admit. I always figured I’d run across them at a secondhand store for mere dollars. And then, I was searching on the Target app for something else (as one does) and I spotted them! The portable bag chairs that have taken over the lawn chair scene are just terrible for my back. They’re so uncomfortable. I needed the familiar shape of a strong, firm seat from decades past. Target even had a loveseat style! Can you handle how cute that is?!? I can’t wait for Wisconsin to finally turn the corner on spring so we can put them to good use.

Day 2119 | Cat Pics


Chris and I often make fun of ourselves for how many photos we took of our cats before we had kids. Now that we’ve got cats back in our lives, I understand how it happened. They do the craziest, cutest things, you know?

Apparently Robbe feels the same way. I let him use my phone to snap a photo of Richmond and now my camera roll looks like the screenshot in the collage on the right.

Day 2116 | Demonstration Speeches


Thank goodness for remote learning! In addition to finishing the boys’ school work today, we also knocked out their 4-H demonstration speeches. Robbe showed how to make two pretty awesome pranks and Chase demonstrated two magic tricks. Solid demonstrations, if you ask me. Luckily, it’s Covid, so you can watch them, too. Maybe next year’s will be done in person! We can hope.

Robbe’s Demonstration Speech

Can’t see the video? Click here for the link.

Chase’s Demonstration Speech

Can’t see the video? Click here for the link.

Day 2114 | A Final Birthday Celebration


When your real birthday lands on a Wednesday, you celebrate on Saturday, obviously. Today was a lovely day filled with Chase’s favorite things: disc golf, video gaming at the movie theater, pizza for dinner, and brownie cookie ice cream sandwiches for dessert. His good friend was here and two of his favorite cousins joined in on the fun, too.

It’s been a long two months of non-stop birthday mode. It’s so fun and also so exhausting. I’m ok with a break until next February, now.

Day 2113 | Birthday Presents


You know what’s even better than birthdays? The days after birthdays when all free time is spent building/playing with/figuring out the new presents. Thankfully, Chase has been a super kind big brother willing to share the fun with Robbe (otherwise it would turn ugly very quickly). And, no, Chase didn’t receive that Obama book as a gift. It’s the Lego Chain Reaction set (on top of the book) that were showing off in the photo above.