Day 2057 | Gluten-Free


Yep. Gluten-free is happening at our house…for me, anyway. No, it’s not a fancy New Year’s resolution (just coincidental timing) or some fad I’m dying to be a part of. I went to the doctor last week and she let me know that my stomach doesn’t seem to love gluten as much as my mind and heart do. Quite a conflict, right?

Library to the rescue (note all the cookbooks pictured above) as I try to navigate an entirely new way of eating. It turns out about four of the meals I have in my entire dinnertime repertoire are gluten-free. It’s everywhere, I’m telling you.

Last week I was feeling overwhelmed and disheartened. This week, I’m ready to face the challenge head-on. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

Day 2053 | Drawing


Robbe has been following along with a drawing YouTube channel this week. He’s always loved art but I don’t think he knows how to develop the skills to keep him interested—lord knows I can’t help him there. Crafting? Yes! Drawing? No, sir.

This little lady was one of his projects today. Isn’t she so cute? I guess it’s an LOL doll if you know what that is (we didn’t…ha!). I’ll keep you posted if he ends up producing any other gems.

Day 2045 | A Family Christmas


It’s been a tradition the last few years to open gifts as our four-person family outside of a larger gathering. As much as I love the hustle and bustle of big family Christmases, I really enjoy the low-key time with just our little family to exchange gifts and do our own thing.

Tonight the boys picked our dinner (mini pizzas). We watched a Christmas food network challenge, sang some Christmas songs with piano accompaniment, talked about the importance of giving back and which organizations we’d be donating to this year. And then…the present opening! The boys were patient and attentive and, most of all, appreciative. We all got too many gifts but this year I’m not even feeling that guilty about it. I guess that’s one perk of Covid. Ha!