Day 2012 | Legends of Zelda Costumes


Not to be braggy, but I feel like we really rocked our Zelda costumes this year. It was a total team effort to pull this off. Three weeks of crafting, several trips to consignment stores, one [very] talented grandma’s assistance, and two super excited little boys about seeing their parents dress up. I am not committing to family costumes on a yearly basis but it was totally the right call to make up for some of the downers of the past seven months.

Check out all the costume inspiration below…

Chase as Link

link copy.jpg

**Chase requested the blue tunic top for his costume with the red pants bottom.

Robbe as King Rhoam


Chris as Revali + Me as Zelda


Day 2010 | Ready for Tuesday


It’s been fun learning more about the government and elections with Chase over the past few weeks. We’ve got our electoral map ready to color in on Tuesday/Wednesday. Hopefully some results will be ready to be recorded by then, at least. We’ve got the 2020 swing states outlined in green (in case you’re wondering what that signifies). And the one that’s already colored in is the 2016 results. I’m hoping this year’s map looks *a bit* different.

If you haven’t already, please (PLEASE) make sure your vote is counted. If you end up quarantined on Election Day, there are still options for voting so reach out to me and I can get you the info.

Day 2009 | My Co-Worker


Some days, my co-worker and I don’t get along very well. Some days, like today, it’s all sunshine and bunny-rabbits. Today was a really good day. Today was a day that made me think that Covid isn’t all bad. In what world would I have two days per week alone with my 8.5 year old?

Sometimes we just need a reminder that it’s not all bad, you know? Can you help me with that every now and then? Thanks in advance.

Day 2000 | 2000!


Two thousand days of blog posts. Two thousand. That’s crazy, right?

With everything going on right now, I thought adding a “feeling thankful for” category was appropriate for this round of team updates. The world is so full of stress and uncertainties right now, it’s nice to be reminded about all there is to be thankful for. And we’re very aware of how privileged we are to be as comfortable as we are.


FAVORITES: The sound of leaves crunching, reading (I've been impressing myself during Covid!), eating so many apples, making buttons, enveloping myself in all things politics right now, playing the role of teacher, dreaming up Halloween costume ideas
FEELING THANKFUL FOR: Two kids who enjoy each other's company and make this crazy existence as easy and enjoyable as possible for all of us.
DREAM FOR THE FUTURE: A trip to Chris's hometown. I miss my in-laws.


FAVORITES: Planning a Halloween escape room, showing off his mad video game skills to the boys, feeling handy around the house, thinking of where we’ll travel when this is all over
FEELING THANKFUL FOR: The luxury of a stable job
DREAM FOR THE FUTURE: Being able to leave the house without all the stress (remember when we could do that?!?)


AGE: 8.5
FAVORITES: Playing Legos, reading fantasy books (Wings of Fire are the current favorite), practicing typing, video-gaming (Zelda is the current favorite), playing Zelda outside (IRL), watching movies/tv shows (really anything on a screen), expressing his opinion, saying “bro”
FEELING THANKFUL FOR: Having a lake house (thanks, grandma and grandpa!)
DREAM FOR THE FUTURE: Being back in school full time. He misses his friends.


AGE: 6.5
FAVORITES: Playing just about anything with Chase, wearing masks (kids are so resilient), free-choice time at school, video-gaming, learning to read (he's doing SO well), drinking tea, talking (and talking and talking), making people laugh, eating sloppy joes (thanks, school lunch program)
FEELING THANKFUL FOR: Being alive. (no joke, that’s what he said)
DREAM FOR THE FUTURE: Playdates with friends. Why is everything so difficult right now?

Looking back at 2000 posts