Day 1890 | Back on the Bikes


It’s so great to have kids old enough to bike on their own. We’ve been fully enjoying the outdoor activity together as a family. We pushed ourselves out of our normal routes (and distance-limits) for a lovely bike along the Chippewa River Trail today with a stop for lunch at this sweet little stream. It seems as though spring has finally arrived (after a bit of a tease earlier) and we couldn’t be happier.

On an unrelated note, the boys recorded their 4-H demonstration speeches today. They were supposed to do them in-person at this month’s meeting, but [obviously] that’s not happening. We found some fun topics to teach and hopefully inspire some friends to try the projects on their own.

Robbe’s Demonstration Speech (6 years old):

Chase’s Demonstration Speech (8 years old):

Day 1884 | Covid Crafting


You might be surprised to hear that I haven’t managed to scrape together much time for myself during the recent health crisis. Chris is still working his normal hours and the boys and I are slowly but surely figuring out how our homeschooling schedule.

After I crafted the masks last week, though, I took advantage of my sewing machine being warmed up and made this bag that I’m in love with. I just leave it hanging on the door knob to brighten my spirits when I walk by. Maybe someday it’ll get to see the great outdoors.

I’d share a pattern but the bag strayed so far from where it started that it’s not worth linking. Ha! I won’t win any awards on this one, but I finished it. That’s all that matters (to me, anyway).

Day 1883 | Our Home


The boys and I have been doing some pretty great work for the past few weeks. I try not to share too much of that because I don’t think it helps the psyche of everyone else right now. I constantly feel like I’m not doing enough when I look at other people’s posts and I don’t want to make anyone feel that way (not that anyone else is doing it intentionally).

Having said that, I will share bits and pieces along the way when I come across a project I really [truly] love. This is one of them.

I decided to do a geography theme this week…talking about the places around us. Monday’s activity was rooting the boys in how we fit into the bigger world. I got the idea from this blog. I was worried our eight year old would find this too “young” for him but I was surprised that he couldn’t actually answer all of these questions either. Interesting, right?

Both boys enjoyed putting these together and it was a great cutting and printing activity besides (needed for both my kindergartener and second grader). Plus, I really like the visual of how our little life fits into the bigger world.

Day 1881 | April Snow


This was the scene when we woke up this morning. A beautiful + serene winter wonderland. The problem is that is April and no one is interested in a winter wonderland anymore.

We did make the most of it—got outside and enjoyed soaking up some sunshine while playing in the last of the season’s snow (it better be). We even made the snowman (or in this case snowbunny) that we somehow didn’t check off our list this year. So it’s not all bad. But we’re officially done with snow now. Welcome, spring. We’re ready for you.

Day 1880 | Happy Easter


We did the best we could today. There was an Easter basket hunt. We dyed eggs. We had a delicious egg bake and ham dinner. We even managed a virtual hangout with about 40 of my extended family. Still…it wasn’t the same. And the snowstorm didn’t help.

Luckily, my three favorite boys pulled me out of my funk and we made the most of this bizarre holiday. I hope you all were able to find some joy in today, as well.