Last week was bananas. Like, maybe the busiest we’ve experienced since having kids. The boys had a blast attending two separate camps and starting soccer (which is an eight-week activity), but, man, all that schlepping and prep-work is exhausting. I think I’m still recovering.
This was the general schedule last week:
8:45am | Leave house
9:30am-noon | Beaver Creek Nature camp
12:10pm-12:50pm | Drive from Beaver Creek while eating lunch in the car
1:00pm-4:00pm | Time Travel Camp at the Children’s Theater
4:15pm | Home
That’s not too terrible, right? Well that was just Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Monday and Wednesday, it looked like this:
8:45am | Leave house
9:30am-noon | Beaver Creek Nature camp
12:10pm-12:50pm | Drive from Beaver Creek while eating lunch in the car
1:00pm-3:45pm | Time Travel Camp at the Children’s Theater
3:45pm-4:00pm | Drive to soccer while changing into soccer socks/shin guards and eating a quick snack
4:00pm-5:00pm | Soccer
5:15pm | *Home
*Except on Wednesday when I had to drop the boys off at Chris’s office so that I could scoot out to my pottery class. That day, the boys got home around 6:30pm and I returned back to the house at 9:00pm.
Some observations from a manic week
A perfume of sunscreen and bug spray followed me everywhere.
In total, I drove about 290 miles in one week. I’d say usually we average around 50. I was in the car for about 2.5 hours/day.
Packing lunches is no joke. Chase eats hot lunch (because I’ve never given him the option-ha!), and I always knew packing lunches every day must stink, but I really get it now. It’s just one more thing you have to plan for and prep before getting out the door.
I over-scheduled myself because I needed to make the most of my windows of kid-free time (which is in short-supply this summer). During the two-hour windows of these camps, I shoved in three meetings, two appointments, and countless errands. Although it was nice to cross some of these things off my list, I wouldn’t say I felt more composed at the end of all of this.
Living out of the car is a thing (see photo above). Our van has never been dirtier + more full of stuff than last week. We had about three changes of clothes, lunch containers + bags, sunscreen/bug spray, crafts from every day at camps, water bottles galore, stuff for all my meetings, multiple pairs of shoes/sandals—you get the idea.
The van has recovered completely from the chaotic week. I think the boys and I are still working on it.