Day 1636 | Flooding


It was a gorgeous day in Wisconsin. Chris was off work and the boys were off school so we made the most of our bonus weekend day.

Remember how I’ve mentioned the spring flooding that happens in Eau Claire (here and here)? It’s back again. I think the river is the highest we’ve seen it, in fact. Chase snapped the photo above when we were at the park this afternoon. Do you see the tree line on the other side of the ducks? Usually there’s a sloping hill after that and then the river starts. It’s crazy! 

Day 1628 | Happy 7th Birthday!


Just like that birthday season comes to an end. It was kind of bittersweet not to have a big party this year, but the low key weekend with my three favorite people in the whole world definitely made it more sweet than bitter.

And what a day it was. We celebrated this seven-year-old in exactly the way he wanted to celebrate: opening presents before breakfast, cinnamon rolls as a breakfast dessert, a short scoot to the bridge, watching Harry Potter (they just finished the first book), lunch at Noodles, playtime with some new toys, video-gaming with his dad and brother, pasta pillows + cake with some special guests, and more love + attention than he could handle. It was low key (we only left the house once, after all) and absolutely perfect for Chase.

Seven years ago, I became a mom. Forty weeks doesn’t adequately prepare you for what this role entails. In fact, seven years in and I’m still not sure if I’m doing a good job. But at the end of the day, they’re happy, I’m happy, and our hearts are full. No matter how many gifts I offer up to Chase, the gift he gave me by making me a mom trumps them all. And he’ll never really understand that—as it should be.

Updates on 7 Year Old Chase

  • He’s graduated to a two-wheel scooter…as of today! Chase has been scooting on on his three-wheeler for about four years. We gave him a scooter for his birthday today and he rocked it on his first outing.

  • He’s got a sweet little friend group. Chase spends his days at school with his two first-grade buddies and it’s adorable.

  • He thinks his dad is hysterical. Like really, really funny. It’s just one of the things Chase and I have in common.

  • He continues to have a sensitive soul. It comes with its ups and downs, but I’ll take his sweet, sensitive heart any day.

  • He no longer puts holes in his pants’ knees. That must mean his play has changed, right? Just another sign of growing up, I guess.

  • He loves Superman ice cream. That’s a real flavor. I don’t really get it, but that’s ok.

  • He’s kind of an expert traveler. He’s happy to read, play, watch movies, etc. for hours. He’s about the most contented little guy (or is he a medium guy now?) ever.

Day 1627 | Pre-Party


When your birthday is on a Sunday you can’t help but start the celebration on Saturday. We enjoyed a morning stop at the arcade and then hosted some of our favorite people for a birthday pizza party (and Pokémon mystery game). And now we have a whole day of celebrating ahead of us tomorrow.  

We must really like our sweet soon-to-be seven year old.  

Day 1624 | Mexico Photos


Now that we’re back in the swing of things around here, I can reflect even more clearly on our week in paradise and be grateful for such an amazing trip. Spring is still deciding whether it wants to make an appearance in Wisconsin so I’ll continue to look at the photos below and long for the times when I was actually warm.

Day 1623 | April Fools


Chase came home from school with a great way to prank his dad for April Fools Day: a toothpaste Oreo!

We removed the inside filling and replaced it with white toothpaste. Then we put it back in the package and offered it to Chris as dessert after dinner. Aside from the stifled giggles during the offer, Chris never saw it coming. Classic prank. The boys were very proud.  

Day 1622 | Home Sweet Home


It was a good trip. A really great trip. And it went by way too fast. As I sit surrounded by piles of laundry, it’s almost unimaginable to think I woke up in paradise this morning.  

I’ll post lots of photos at some point (when I’m able to catch up on life a bit more). In the meantime, enjoy this one sneak peek (and also probably my favorite shot).  

A big (HUGE) thank you to my parents for letting us tag along on their annual vacation. Another big (HUGE) thank you to Chris’s mom for taking the risk, stepping out of her comfort zone, and joining us. We spent the week being showered with love by all of you and we’re beyond grateful.