Day 1518 | Happy Halloween


King Chase and Knight Robbe are here to say Happy Halloween. It was a busy but super fun day of visiting friends + family and collecting treats. Lots of treats.

Special thank you to Grandma Mary for her sewing expertise. They were the best king and knight I saw all night!


And now for some Halloweens past. Enjoy!

Day 1517 | Pokémon


Sweet cousin Eli introduced the boys to Pokémon during our last visit to Chris’s hometown. The boys had kind of forgotten about this introduction until a Cheerios box with a Pokémon card prize reminded them of how awesome they are. They decided to use some of their Halloween money (thanks, Grandm Bibi!) to buy some more cards so they could play the game.

So that’s what we’ve been doing for the last two days—trying to figure out this Pokémon game. The directions are, at the same time, too complex and not descriptive enough. This might be another obsession I leave to Chris to decode. 

And all of this thanks to a Cheerios box. They know how to get you, don’t they? 

Day 1513 | Bobbing for Apples


I was out for a[nother] book festival event and this is the photo I received. Apparently Chris and Robbe decided that this was the right night for bobbing for apples. Chase sat out due to his lack of lower teeth (he’s lost both in the middle) and one super loose top tooth (even though it would have been the perfect way to lose it). 

Apparently Robbe was quite an impressive bobber, so he’s got that going for him.  

Also, bobbing for apples is actually pretty gross.  

Day 1511 | Pumpkin Carving


We carved pumpkins with the boys tonight and the only photo I took during the process was of my husband and my friend working together on the final stubborn pumpkin. The holidays really being people together, you know.  

I’ll try to snap a good photo of the pumpkins lit up but, for historical purposes (just in case I forget), the boys selected a knight helmet and crown for their carvings. I’ll let you decide if that’s a hint about what’s in store for this year’s costumes. 

Day 1510 | Lavender


Robbe has been having some epic meltdowns lately. We managed to survive the “terrible twos” without one tantrum (no joke), but the last month or so has taught me that we’ll eventually get our due. I’m not sure if it’s the transition to school or his desire to drop nap or if he just wants to be older (the most frequent explanation). Whatever it is, it’s driving me crazy. He loses all control of his little body. He says things to Chase just to be mean. He freaks out for no [reasonable] reason. 

We’ve tried being sympathetic. We’ve been consistent in our expectations of him. It doesn’t seem to be working. Today I resorted to a new technique: essential oils. We bought some lavender essential oil to help keep Robbe calm. For the first day in awhile, we had no meltdowns. No joke. He loved the lavender. We put some behind our ears and on our wrists. We made a spray that he spritzed on his stuffed animals and pillows. I even had the boys lay down and I spritzed some over their faces (one of my all time favorite yoga class traditions from DC). They couldn’t get enough. It was pretty adorable.  

Maybe it was a one-time fluke, but I’ll take it. Fingers crossed it sticks for a bit longer, though! 

Day 1509 | Meet the Authors


The book festival hosted a Meet the School Authors event tonight so the boys got to tag along on the fun. There are a bunch of authors that do presentations (38 of them to be exact) at schools across the Chippewa Valley and tonight ten of them gathered to talk about being authors and sign some of their books. I really appreciated the opportunity to show the boys that there are real people on the other side of the stories we read all the time. I’m not sure the fully *got it* but it’s all about planting the seeds. 

Three book festival events down, about 18 to go. Whew. 

Day 1508 | The Book Festival


The Chippewa Valley Book Festival started today. I’ve been spending all my free time (not an exaggeration) on this volunteer marketing position for so long that I can’t even fathom what my life looks like without this major time commitment (until we start planning for 2019, obviously). For now, I will enjoy the events, appreciate all the work that’s been put into the festival, and try to focus on the positive outcomes of my efforts instead of the shortcomings (which there always will be). 

Day 1507 | A Performance


Can you believe Chase has never performed in anything? He’s had a lot of practices for things at his preschools and last year as a kindergartener but he’s never been in a holiday show or a spring sing or any other public performance. In DC, we missed most of them because of travels back to WI (the shows always landed the afternoon before some extended break...ugh). We thought he was finally going to make his first onstage performance last spring but it got rained out. Are you kidding me?!?

Today! He finally had his singing debut today.  As part of a children’s choir at church, Chase sang his little heart out in front of the congregation. The sing out “loud and proud” advice that I’ve been giving him for years finally paid off. He did just that! We could hear his little voice loud and clear (but not in a yell-y sort of way). He was so proud of himself. We were pretty proud, too. 

*Side note: Yes, he is wearing the same outfit as last night. Turns out we don’t have a ton of *presentable* attire that fits him right now. #growingpains

Day 1506 | Phantom Tollbooth


Father/son date night tonight! Dinner and a show in the new performing arts center down the street from us. Upon their return home, the theater-goers gave the production of The Phantom Tollbooth good reviews and they were both grinning from ear to ear recalling their evening on the town.  

Oh, and don’t worry, Robbe and I had fun, too. We went to a bookstore and ate a fancy dinner at Noodles. Yeah. We all had a pretty great night.  

Day 1503 | Turtleneck Twins


I found these sweet turtleecks at Goodwill for part of the boys’ Halloween costumes (no spoilers just yet—but they’re pretty amazing). The boys are so excited about their costumes that they wanted to wear these shirts to school today. For the record, it brightened my day way too much watching these two run around in skin-tight turtlenecks. Also, Robbe is wearing shiny silver leggings. That is all. 

Day 1502 | Typewriter


On a whim, I asked the boys if they wanted to try out one of Chris’s typewriters after school. You won’t believe me when I say this, but Robbe sat in front of that typewriter and “worked” for the rest of the day (minus a dinner break). He LOVED it. I mean, they both did, but Robbe really did. He’s already committed to finishing his next sheet of paper tomorrow—whatever that means.  

Day 1501 | A CA Visitor


We’ve got another visitor! It’s been a fun weekend showing Sean (who has never been to WI before) everything that’s great about our neck of the woods. We visited our farmers market, went apple picking, enjoyed the beautiful fall colors, ate at a true Wisconsin supper club, toured a dairy farm, and watched some Wisconsin sporting events. That’s a good weekend. 

A big [huge] thanks to Sean for making the trip. It really means a lot to us.