Day 902 | Breaking the Silence


I cried this morning.

In the midst of the shocked, disappointed, devastated, concerned feelings I could identify (and a million others that I couldn’t), I’m making a promise to myself: never again. 

I found myself appalled by the fact that I could be so emotionally distraught and devastated over my candidate losing an election after I had done nothing to help her win. Never again.

I told myself that there was NO WAY Trump could win. I told myself I was too busy this time around to make a real difference. I told myself the majority of the country has the same values and beliefs that I have, so our future would be clear. I told myself that what others were doing to support the campaign would be enough. Never again.

This morning I woke up sad to have to share this news with my boys. They’re little so they don’t really understand all of this, but I still needed to explain to them the outcome of the election and help them comprehend why I was disappointed. I wanted a woman to be present for my sons just as much as those who wanted one for their daughters. I wanted to send the message to them that we’re all equal. That the placemat that Chase looks at everyday doesn’t have to depict just males. That a woman can do anything a man can do. For those of you that know me well, you wouldn’t call me a feminist. I wouldn’t call myself that. But I’d be lying if there wasn’t a huge part of me that was thrilled at the prospect of “breaking that glass ceiling”. It’ll happen one day, I know, but, by golly, I thought it would be today. 

To my future self (and any of you that woke up crying, disappointed, and/or terrified this morning): please DO SOMETHING next time. Talk about the issues. Reach out to people. Don’t hide thoughts and beliefs because you don’t want to offend. I’ve been offended plenty of times over the course of this campaign and just stood aside. Never again. 

I don’t know where we go from here. I’m trying to be optimistic that the checks and balances are in place to prevent any real damage done to our country and the people who live here. I’m hopeful that President Trump will be more in the business of unifying rather than dividing as he takes the oath of president. I have to believe these things. But for today (and probably several days to come), I’ll let the sadness be the motivation I need to be heard next time around. 

Here's an article of helpful resources if you too are looking for ways to DO SOMETHING.